- opencv 3.3.0
- tensorflow 1.2.1
- tensorflow slim
- python 3.6
- set up opencv dir in ./detector/CMakeLists.txt:
SET("OpenCV_DIR" "<path to the /opencv/build/>")
download the LPW dataset and decompress into ./LPW
generate videofile.txt
python gen_videofiles.py
- compile detector:
cd detector
- run the detector
wait until PupilDetection finish
download pretrained model and decompress into ./pretrain/
run evaluator
python evaluator/evaluator.py
- check the result in ./result
- result
- <alpha><Is_average_filter><videonumber> (it's the result of each video, so there are 64 files like this. e.g. 0.005False60)
- <alpha><Is_average_filter><finish time stamp>: e.g. 0.005False60time.struct_time(tm_year=2017, tm_mon=8, tm_mday=22, tm_hour=16, tm_min=12, tm_sec=26, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=234, tm_isdst=1) (it's the result of all each video)
line 1: (e.g. ./LPW/23/2.avi) is the file path of the video
line 2: (e.g. NEEDTOIMPROVE11) represent the NumberOfFrame(upperbound)-NumberOfFrame(evaluator). It's not relevant to the paper.
line 3 - line 503: (e.g. Pixcel 242: 0.999) means the accuracy(0.999) with condition that distance(point(predict),point(groundtruth))
line 1: (e.g. NEEDTOIMPROVE11) represent the NumberOfFrame(upperbound)-NumberOfFrame(evaluator). It's not relevant to the paper.
line 2 - line 502: (e.g. Pixcel 242: 0.999) means the accuracy(0.999) with condition that distance(point(predict),point(groundtruth))
- make the dataset
python ./train_evaluator/makedataset.py
- train
download pretrain vgg model and put it into /train_evaluator/pretrain_vgg
python ./train_evaluator/train.py
./detector/algo.h ./detector/blob_gen.h ./detector/canny_impl.h ./detector/filter_edges.h ./detector/find_best_edge.h
:We use the first part of ElSe algorithm[1], which is based on morphologic feature as one of the answer candidates../evaluator/vgg.py
We use VGG-16[2] architecture../LPW/
We use part of (about 1/80) [LPW dataset] to fine-tune the network, and estimate the method on this dataset.
[1]:Fuhl, Wolfgang, et al. "Else: Ellipse selection for robust pupil detection in real-world environments." Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications. ACM, 2016.
[2]:Simonyan, Karen, and Andrew Zisserman. "Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition." arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556 (2014).