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The in-memory KVS uses the Trie-tree as the main in-memory data structure for achieving high insert and lookup performance. For concurrency, this KVS uses Spin-lock mechanism to avoid race conditions and guarantee mutual exclusion.

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Multi-threading In-memory Key-Value Store (KVS)

This in-memory KVS uses the Trie-tree as the main in-memory data structure for achieving high insert and lookup performance. For concurrency, this KVS uses Spin-lock mechanism to avoid race conditions and guarantee mutual exclusion. Also for benchmarking and evaluating the KVS system, two libraries have been used. For energy-efficiency evaluation, POET toolkit have been integrated to the proposed KVS and Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark (YCSB) have been used for benchmarking.

The all scripts have been developed for the Linux environment and can only be run in this environment.

Benchmark program

First of all, it should be noted that the relevant datasets are placed in a folder called the datasets. The provided datasets are categories in two types A, B. Which indicates of YCSB types. A for 50:50, and B for 95:05 percent of read/update ratio.

Please note that datasets are generated according to the proposed system structure. So to generate a new dataset, please refer to the YCSB folder and read README file to generate a new dataset for the proposed system.

Run a benchmark for one mode only

In this case, only one mode can be executed and benchmarked. One mode means that, for example, a doing benchmark for only 4 threads, or for a duration of 10 seconds, or for a dataset. For this purpose

  1. Use make to compile the benchmark if necessary.

  2. To run, execute this command in the terminal : sudo HEARTBEAT_ENABLED_DIR=. ./bench_client -t <no. of threads> -d <duration> -l <path to dataset> -j <json file for output logging> -r <csv file for output result>.

It is necessary to enter the name of a file as the output file of the results (CSV file).

For an instance, the following command can run the benchmark for KVS in 4 threads and 10 seconds on the data type A (which has 1000 records) and save the result in the /result.csv.

sudo HEARTBEAT_ENABLED_DIR=. ./bench_client -t 4 -d 10  -l datasets/a/1000.dat -j logging/result.json -r result.csv

Run a benchmark for multiple mode

But to run the benchmark for different modes, a script called has been prepared. This script has two arguments. The first one is the name of the folder in which the various datasets are located, and the second argument is related to the duration of running benchmark.

This script can be run in two modes. The first is to evaluate the system in terms of energy efficiency for the number of different threads and the second mode is to evaluate system in terms of energy efficiency for a number of different duration.

  1. The first mode, executes a benchmark with a different number of threads for a specific duration (for example, 30 seconds) for all datasets in a folder. The results of this execution will also be stored in a path called evaluation/result-threads.csv.

For an instance, the following command can run the benchmark for all YCSB dataset located folder /datasets/a/ for 30 seconds of duration for different threads (1 to 32): datasets/a/ threads_mode 30

In the above command, the word threads_mode refers to the state in which the benchmark should be executed (meaning for different threads) and 30 indicates the duration time for each mode.

  1. The second mode, is the mode in which the benchmark is run for a specific thread and at different durtion. To run in this mode, run the following command: datasets/a/ duration_mode 8

In the above command, the word duration_mode refers to the state in which the benchmark should be executed (meaning for different durations) and 8 indicates the number of threads that can be used. The results of this execution will also be stored in a path called evaluation/result-duration.csv.

You should note that the results obtained from these two modes are different from each other. This point was made for the purpose that in the plotting section, the results are plotted according to these modes.

Plotting the result

Once the benchmark is done and the results are generated, those results can be plotted. To do this, the has been prepared which is responsible for reading the generated data and plotting them.


To run this plotting program, you need to have the Python programming language installed on your system. In addition, three python libraries must be installed. These libraries include pandas, matplotlib, and numpy. You can use the following commands to install them:

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install pandas


To run this program and plot a chart, enter the following command in the terminal:

python3 -r <the result csv file> -t <type of plotting: "threads" or "duration"> [--pdf]

In the above command,-r refere to the result path (generated in the previous section), -t indicated the plotting mode (wcich could be only "threads" or "duration" words.), --pdf is used for the case where we do not want the display the chart want to saved directly as a pdf file.

As mentioned earlier, we have two types of results for two different modes of execution.

For example, to plot the benchmark's results, which located in the evaluation/result-threads.csv path, the following command must be executed:

python3 -r evaluation/result-threads.csv -t threads --pdf

The threads argument in the above command indicates that a chart is drawn for a mode that result obtained from benhcmarking for multiple threads.

There is another mode of plotting, which is related to the mode in which the benchmark has been executed for different duration. To draw the results of this case, we use the following command:

python3 -r evaluation/result-duration.csv -t duration --pdf

Assuming the results are stored in the evaluation/result-duration.csv path.


The in-memory KVS uses the Trie-tree as the main in-memory data structure for achieving high insert and lookup performance. For concurrency, this KVS uses Spin-lock mechanism to avoid race conditions and guarantee mutual exclusion.





