1.4.0 (2023-11-12)
Features ✨
add base tauri app (8b91a3f )
make tauri version draggable (6202477 )
restructure connector in a way that allows easy switching out for platforms (ce368dd )
tauri: add base connector with placeholders for logging (a989379 )
tauri: add closing logic (5b7c749 )
tauri: add easy command interface for frontend -> backend (4483005 )
tauri: add global show and hide shortcuts as well as block reload (ef17d00 )
tauri: add tray icon updating and a number of other commands (61d3e2c )
tauri: added connection hooks for all of the base tauri commands (9ad7edc )
tauri: always on top command (702f419 )
tauri: auto updater (02c6d00 )
tauri: compact mode resizing (dc63f31 )
tauri: debug menu in dev mode (c5289b9 )
tauri: full screen mode (d59ca69 )
tauri: improve installer (f9c8eb2 )
tauri: pass the data from the frontend into the commands (58553d8 )
tauri: updater window (2dfc795 )
Bug Fixes 🐛
changing time configuration with keyboard did not work - #402 (#489 ) (b9b5248 )
tauri: allow context menu on list titles (a2ae285 )
tauri: catch audio playing errors gracefully (f4f3274 )
tauri: fullscreen break being resizeable (aec8c3a )
tauri: update to tauri v2 (fixes audio) (231a379 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.