Without history, not every thing makes sense...
My history with PHP is considerably long. I wrote my first script app just over 6 years ago. I even developed my own mini CodeIgniter (MVC) to accelarate my web development work. But I some how fell in love with Zend Framework 2 for the degree of flexibility (except shared hosting) it provided. A week ago I decided to get my website using CodeIgniter, it was easy but less fully equiped.
In Zend Framework, I use the ViewHelperManager taken from the ServiceLocater to append CSS/JS in the controller. Its kind of my way of doing it. But I found that there was no such way to handle it in CI, but some thing similar is remakably simple to implent and here is CI-HeadLink.
HeadLink is a script loading library for code igniter inspired by the functionality found in Zend Framework 2. I tried to find similar functionality and many forum posts seem to be saying 'include it in the view'.
Not happy about the advice, here comes a free simple script loading library for CodeIgniter. Useage is simple, load the library, append scripts and echo out the html generated.
Using HeadScript is simple, here is an example:
- First Copy Head_link.php to your libraries directory. The file would be under the libraries directory in this repo.
- Then load the library in the controller
- Then append files to the library
- At the view, echo the html output... Thats it
// File - MyController.php
// Load Library, many ways to do so...
public function index(){
// Or simply chain it
// Rest of your code for the controller
Then in the view...
<!-- Your HTML Code before scripts -->
<?php echo $this->head_link->getHtml(); ?>
<!-- Your html code after scripts -->
I don't think this needs a user guide, but for completeness sake I will produce one in due time. It would be able to obtained via the GitHub repo and would be possibly hosted in my website JDeen.com once I finish with it!