Ansible role to install, configure, and use tinc.
- Developed and tested with Ansible 2.0.
- Debian/Ubuntu system.
mode - string (default is default)
Installs tinc if needed, and makes sure the given network is configured.
Redistribute cached host configs to all nodes.
Remove configuration for a given network.
Remove network configurations and uninstall tinc.
Starts tinc service. (persistent across reboots)
Restarts tinc service.
Stop tinc service.
Stop tinc service and disable it. (persistent across reboots)
regen_keys - boolean (default is no)
Force regeneration of RSA key pair when running default mode on an existing setup.
netname - string (default is tincvpn)
Name of the network concerned by this run.
addrfam - string (default is ipv4)
Address family, anything other than ipv4 is not supported yet. (future)
iface - string (default is tun0)
Interface to use for the network.
host_ip - string (default is {{ansible_eth0.ipv4.address}})
Host-side IP address.
node_ip - string (default is
Virtual network node IP address. Override for each node.
netmask - string (default is
Virtual network mask.
keysize - string (default is 4096)
RSA key size.
compression - string (default is 11)
Tinc compression level.
cipher - string (default is aes-256-gcm)
Tinc encryption cipher.
digest - string (default is sha384)
Tinc authentication digest.
host_cache - string (default is .tinc_hosts)
Local cache for host config files.
netgroup - string (defaults to netname)
Name of group in inventory containing all nodes for given network.
From apt module:
- python-apt
- aptitude
A tinc network is defined in the inventory as follows:
[foovpn] # where foovpn is the tinc network name
node1 node_ip=
node2 node_ip=
node3 node_ip=
Here is an example playbook that installs tinc, configures a network and starts it.
# Make sure tinc is installed and foovpn network configured
- hosts: foovpn
- netname: "foovpn"
- tinc
Another example specifying the operation mode:
# Redistribute host configurations and restart tinc
- hosts: foovpn
- netname: "foovpn"
- { role: tinc, mode: push }
Caveat: Make sure that host_ip is correctly set. In a default NAT vagrant setup, each node will have the same IP for eth0.
GPLv3 - see LICENSE file for details
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