No more update you guy can use react-native-reusables this is solve my all proble
react-native-reusables =>
expo universal libs component (support web & mobile)
- Routing by expo router v2 from Expo SDK 49
- All component base on expo and nativewind (tailwind css)
- Responsive UI Supported
- You can make you own theme by edit config file
- Specific ui each platform some component Ex.
DatePicker, MenuPicker, Pagination, Toast, etc...
- This lib provide many ui component for easy to use
"one codebase run anywhere!"
- This lib No need to install developer build!
- clone this repo
- install package =>
yarn install
- run =>
yarn start
=> select platform follow cli suggestion
yarn start --web
yarn web
yarn start --ios
yarn ios
yarn start --android
yarn android
- Label
- Button
- Dropdown
- Icon
- Toggle
- Input
- LoadingSpinnerOverlay
- Accordion
- Layout
- OutsidePressHandler
- Skeleton
- Lottie
- Alert
- MapPicker
- ScrollTo
- DatePicker
- Toast
- MenuPicker
- ImagePicker
- FilePicker
- Pagination
- ImageCarousel
- ThaiAddressAutoCompletePicker
- FullModal
- CameraPicker
- Table
- improve toast position
- add TimePicker component
- add Switch component
- add PDF viewer component
- add Export Excel & PDF component
- add RichTextEditor component
- add charts components
- image resize before upload
- validator with zod
- postform when upload files with progress function + ui
- form creator function with json + good performance
- iap (free without any provider)
- add example => some cool ecommerce-app!
- make this project as npm package
- image cache (wait until expo-image support run app with expo-go)
- analytic
- crashlytic
- google ads (admob)
- S3 uploader