Releases: zq99/pgn2data
Added new tests to the testing framework.
Added the ability to remove null columns from the export via the collapse parameter.
Added the ability to generate a CSV of just the top level games information and exclude the moves file.
Add the ability to configure the queue size of the blocking queue that is used to generate the moves file for each game concurrently as the process processes each game in the PGN file.
Minor code enhancements throughout
Updated setup requirements for PYPI
Updated setup requirements for PYPI
Added ability to return the data as pandas dataframes
Added functionality to read the created files into pandas dataframes from the return object of the export function.
Also expanded the testing module for this new capability.
Added more tests for recent bug fixes
#2 - Fix for this issue which happens when the library tries to process a players rating, and it is not in the file.
More tests have been added to ensure basic formats and other changes are checked when development is done.
Added new tests
Added new tests
Added player title to games output file
Updated Readme
Updated Readme
Updated dependencies
Updated dependencies in setup file, and corrected instructions.
Initial Release
First release of library