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Template for Vite/React/Typescript

This repository acts as a template to bootstrap a new React project using Vite and Typescript with an opinionated folder structure and some useful libraries.


Getting Started

Before creating a project you just install NodeJS. It is recommended to use the latest LTS version.

npx degit ztolley/vite-react-ts#main my-project
cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev

Folder Structure

Folder Alias Description
common @Common All utilities
components @Components Generic re-usable components
pages @Pages Pages and screens
providers @Providers Providers
sections @Sections Sections
styles @Styles Global styles and css variables

Important files

  • vite.config.ts - Vite configuration: build related settings
  • tsconfig.json - Typescript configuration
  • tsconfig.paths.json - Typescript path aliases
  • src/app.tsx - Base file for application and routes
  • index.html - HTML template


Script Description
build Build for production
coverage Run tests and generate coverage report
dev Start development server
lint Run ESLint
lint:staged Run ESLint on staged files
preview Preview production build
test Run tests


The template application has been configured to instruct any MUI based components to use React Router for navigation.


The project provides a Dockerfile to build a docker image. The Dockerfile builds the project and copies it into a fresh NGINX based image configure to run as a non-root user.

To build the docker image run the following command:

docker build -t image-name .