This Bicep deploys Azure Monitor Private Link Scope environment with reporting windows VM.
Simply deploy main.bicep
Create resource group.
$ az group create --name <YOUR-RG-NAME> --location <LOCATION>
Deploy main.bicep
with/without parameter file.
$ az deployment group create --resource-group <YOUR-RG-NAME> --template-file main.bicep --parameters .\params-samples.json
There are some points to mention.
If you encounter the error like bellow, please redeploy bicep file with the same command.
"The resource write operation failed to complete successfully, because it reached terminal provisioning state 'Failed'.","details":[{"code":"BadRequest","message":"Call to microsoft.insights/privateLinkScopes failed. Error message: Mismatching RequiredMembers in Request","details"
redeploy without even thinking
$ az deployment group create --resource-group <YOUR-RG-NAME> --template-file main.bicep --parameters .\params-samples.json
ARM / bicep template deployment in complete mode of private endpoints is not supported because there is no method of referencing the private endpoint network interface in the ARM template to prevent the deletion that happens. The suggestion is to use incremental mode deployment to perform this deployment.
Open Log Analytics Workspace [Logs] Tab and display Heartbeat
table. Check the ComputerIP
is displayed in IPv6 format. This means the log comes through private endpoint.
This project is licensed under the MIT License, see the LICENSE.txt file for details.