This project does a classification task focused on predicting the quality of red wine based on various features. Here's a brief overview of the steps in the code:
Data Import and Exploration:
- The code starts by importing necessary libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and Seaborn.
- It reads a dataset ("winequality-red.csv") into a Pandas DataFrame and prints the first few rows of the dataset.
Data Analysis:
- It visualizes the distribution of features using box plots.
Data Preprocessing:
- It creates a new binary target variable, 'goodquality,' where wines with a quality score of 7 or higher are labeled as 1, and others are labeled as 0.
- It separates the feature variables (X) from the target variable ('goodquality').
Model Training:
- It uses an Extra Trees Classifier to determine the importance scores of each feature.
- It splits the dataset into training and testing sets.
- It trains several classification models, including Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Classifier, Decision Tree, Gaussian Naive Bayes, Random Forest, and XGBoost.
- The accuracy scores of each model on the test set are printed.
Model Comparison:
- The accuracy scores of each model are summarized in a DataFrame ('results').
Results Display:
- The final DataFrame ('result_df') is created to display and compare the accuracy scores of different models in descending order.
In summary, the project aims to compare the performance of various classification algorithms in predicting whether a red wine is of good quality based on its features. The models are trained, and their accuracy scores are presented in a tabular format for easy comparison.