An open-source tape loader for the ZX Spectrum implemented from scratch.
- Custom loaders are always more fun than using the ROM loader :-)
- By default, loads at ~160% of the ROM loader speed (543 T-states for a zero pulse, 1086T for a one pulse, versus the ROM loader's 855T/1710T). Speed can be configured up to 185% of the ROM loader speed (475T/950T).
- In addition to fast blocks, the loader can also cope with blocks using ROM timings, so the same build of your software can be distributed as both TZX and TAP files.
- Robust error detection using Fletcher's algorithm.
- Choice of border effects; additional themes can be added with a few lines of assembly language.
- Choice of FancyScreen screen loading effects, or an "instant" loading screen a la Speedlock.
- Optional colour-changing progress indicator.
- Free, open-source software, liberally licensed.
- It's written by a rank amateur with next to no Z80 coding experience.
- Start by looking at a simple example.
- Here's how to specify the speed of the loader.
- You can load blocks glued together with no gaps.
- A loading screen that pops up instantly always looks slick.
- Or perhaps you'd like a bidirectional screen load?
- The error handling can be configured.
- It's fairly simple to embed the loader in a REM statement in a BASIC loader.