Attention Based Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Traffic Flow Forecasting (ASTGCN)
We validate our model on two highway traffic datasets PeMSD4 and PeMSD8 from California. The datasets are collected by the Caltrans Performance Measurement System (PeMS) (Chen et al., 2001) in real time every 30 seconds. The traffic data are aggregated into every 5-minute interval from the raw data. The system has more than 39,000 detectors deployed on the highway in the major metropolitan areas in California. Geographic information about the sensor stations are recorded in the datasets. There are three kinds of traffic measurements considered in our experiments, including total flow, average speed, and average occupancy.
We provide two dataset: PEMS-04, PEMS-08
307 detectors
Jan to Feb in 2018
3 features: flow, occupy, speed. -
170 detectors
July to Augest in 2016
3 features: flow, occupy, speed.
- python >= 3.5
- mxnet >= 1.3.0
- mxboard
- scipy
- tensorboard
To install MXNet correctly, you should follow the instruction provided by this page.
To run mxboard, you have to install tensorboard.
Other dependencies can be installed using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
train model on PEMS04:
python --config configurations/PEMS04.conf --force True
train model on PEMS08:
python --config configurations/PEMS08.conf --force True
visualize training progress:
tensorboard --logdir logs --port 6006
then open to visualize the training process.
The configuration file config.conf contains three parts: Data, Training and Predict:
- adj_filename: path of the adjacency matrix file
- graph_signal_matrix_filename: path of graph signal matrix file
- num_of_vertices: number of vertices
- points_per_hour: points per hour, in our dataset is 12
- num_for_predict: points to predict, in our model is 12
- model_name: ASTGCN or MSTGCN
- ctx: set ctx = cpu, or set gpu-0, which means the first gpu device
- optimizer: sgd, RMSprop, adam, see this page for more optimizer
- learning_rate: float, like 0.0001
- epochs: int, epochs to train
- batch_size: int
- num_of_weeks: int, how many weeks' data will be used
- num_of_days: int, how many days' data will be used
- num_of_hours: int, how many hours' data will be used
- K: int, K-order chebyshev polynomials will be used
- merge: int, 0 or 1, if merge equals 1, merge training set and validation set to train model
- prediction_filename: str, if you specify this parameter, it will save the prediction of current testing set into this file
- params_dir: the folder for saving parameters