Crawlera Headless proxy is a proxy which main intent is to help users with headless browsers to use Crawlera. This includes different implementations of headless browsers such as Splash, headless Chrome, and Firefox. Also, this proxy should help users of such frameworks as Selenium and Puppeteer to use Crawlera without a need to build Squid chains or install Polipo.
The biggest problem with headless browsers is their configuration:
- Crawlera uses proxy authentication protocol described in RFC 7235 but it is rather hard to configure such authentication in headless browsers. The most popular way of bypassing this problem is to use Polipo which is, unfortunately, unsupported for a long time.
- Crawlera uses X-Headers as configuration. To use this API with headless browsers, users have to install plugins or extensions in their browsers and configure them to propagate such headers to Crawlera.
- Also, it is rather hard and complex to maintain best practices of using
these headers. For example,
support of Browser Profiles
requires to have a minimal possible set of headers. For example, it is
recommended to remove
header by default. It is rather hard to do that using headless browsers API. - Crawlera works best with browsers only with some preconditions which
users have to repeat everytime: session usage, some recommended headers
Crawlera Headless Proxy intended to help users to avoid such problems. You should generally think about it as a proxy which should be accessible by your headless browser of Selenium grid. This proxy propagates your requests to Crawlera maintaining API key and injecting headers into the requests. Basically, you have to do a bare minimum:
- Get Crawlera API key
- Run this proxy on your local machine or any machine accessible by headless browser, configuring it with a configuration file, command line parameters or environment variables.
- Propagate TLS certificate of this proxy to your browsers or operating system vault.
- Access this proxy as a local proxy, plain, without any authentication.
Check out the Using Headless Browsers with Zyte Smart Proxy Manager manual.
There are some prebuilt binaries available on Release pages. Please download required one for your operating system and CPU architecture.
You need to have a distributions of Go programming language, git, bash and make installed. We use Go >= 1.11 so please be sure that you have fresh enough version.
To install them on Ubuntu/Debian, please execute the following command:
$ sudo apt install -y bash make git golang-go
If you have Ubuntu older than 18.10, please install go with snap package:
$ sudo snap install --classic go
To install them on OS X with Homebrew, please execute the following command:
$ brew install go make git
If you use HomeBrew, you can use it to install headless proxy:
$ curl -L > crawlera-headless-proxy.rb && brew install --HEAD crawlera-headless-proxy.rb
$ git clone
$ cd zyte-smartproxy-headless-proxy
The next step is to execute make
$ make
This will build binary crawlera-headless-proxy
. If you are interested
in compiling for other OS/CPU architecture, please cross-compile:
$ make crosscompile
You'll find a set of compiled biaries in ./ccbuilds
directory after
the process is finished.
To download prebuilt container, please do the following:
$ docker pull zytedata/zyte-smartproxy-headless-proxy
If you want to build this image locally, please do it with make (also, be sure that docker is installed).
$ make docker
This will build an image with tag crawlera-headless-proxy
. It can
be configured by environment variables or command flags. Default
configuration file path within a container is /config.toml
If you want to have a smaller image (but build time will grow a lot),
you can build it with docker-slim
make target.
$ make docker-slim
$ crawlera-headless-proxy --help
usage: crawlera-headless-proxy [<flags>]
Local proxy for Crawlera to be used with headless browsers.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-d, --debug Run in debug mode.
-b, --bind-ip=BIND-IP IP to bind to. Default is
-m, --proxy-api-ip=PROXY-API-IP
IP to bind proxy API to. Default is the bind-ip value.
-p, --bind-port=BIND-PORT Port to bind to. Default is 3128.
-w, --proxy-api-port=PROXY-API-PORT
Port to bind proxy api to. Default is 3130.
-c, --config=CONFIG Path to configuration file.
-l, --tls-ca-certificate=TLS-CA-CERTIFICATE
Path to TLS CA certificate file.
-r, --tls-private-key=TLS-PRIVATE-KEY
Path to TLS private key.
-t, --no-auto-sessions Disable automatic session management.
-n, --concurrent-connections=CONCURRENT-CONNECTIONS
Number of concurrent connections.
-a, --api-key=API-KEY API key to Crawlera.
-u, --crawlera-host=CRAWLERA-HOST
Hostname of Crawlera. Default is
-o, --crawlera-port=CRAWLERA-PORT
Port of Crawlera. Default is 8010.
-v, --dont-verify-crawlera-cert
Do not verify Crawlera own certificate.
-x, --xheader=XHEADER ... Crawlera X-Headers.
-k, --adblock-list=ADBLOCK-LIST ...
A list to requests to filter out (ADBlock compatible).
-z, --direct-access-hostpath-regexps=DIRECT-ACCESS-HOSTPATH-REGEXPS ...
A list of regexps for hostpath for direct access, bypassing Crawlera.
-e, --direct-access-except-hostpath-regexps=DIRECT-ACCESS-EXCEPT-HOSTPATH-REGEXPS ...
A list of regexps for hostpath for direct access. No effect without `-z`. Not required.
--version Show application version.
Docker example:
$ docker run --name crawlera-headless-proxy -p 3128:3128 zytedata/zyte-smartproxy-headless-proxy --help
Defaults are sensible. If you run this tool without any configuration,
it will start HTTP/HTTPS proxy on localhost:3128
. The only thing you
usually need to do is to propagate API key.
$ crawlera-headless-proxy -a myapikey
This will start local HTTP/HTTPS proxy on localhost:3128
and will proxy all
requests to
with API key myapikey
Also, it is possible to configure this tool using environment variables. Here is the complete table of configuration options and corresponding environment variables.
Description | Environment variable | Comandline parameter | Parameter in configuration file | Default value |
Run in debug/verbose mode. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_DEBUG |
-d , --debug |
debug |
false |
Which IP this tool should listen on ( for all interfaces). | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_BINDIP |
-b , --bind-ip |
bind_ip | |
Which port this tool should listen. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_BINDPORT |
-p , --bind-port |
bind_port |
3128 |
Path to the configuration file. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_CONFIG |
-c , --config |
- | |
-a , --api-key |
api_key |
Hostname of Crawlera. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_CHOST |
-u , --crawlera-host |
crawlera_host | |
-o , --crawlera-port |
crawlera_port |
8010 |
Do not verify Crawlera own TLS certificate. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_DONTVERIFY |
-v , --dont-verify-crawlera-cert |
dont_verify_crawlera_cert |
false |
-l , --tls-ca-certificate |
tls_ca_certificate |
-r , --tls-private-key |
tls_private_key |
Disable automatic session management | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_NOAUTOSESSIONS |
-t , --no-auto-sessions |
no_auto_sessions |
false |
Maximal ammount of concurrent connections to process | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_CONCURRENCY |
-n , --concurrent-connections |
concurrent_connections |
0 |
Additional Crawlera X-Headers. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_XHEADERS |
-x , --xheaders |
Section xheaders |
Adblock-compatible filter lists. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_ADBLOCKLISTS |
-k , --adblock-list |
adblock_lists |
Regular expressions for hostpath URL part for direct access, bypassing Crawlera. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_DIRECTACCESS |
-z , --direct-access-hostpath-regexps |
direct_access_hostpath_regexps |
Exceptions to DirectAccess. Always proxied irrespective of direct acces regex. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_DIRECTACCESS_EXCEPT |
-e , --direct-access-except-hostpath-regexps |
direct_access_except_hostpath_regexps |
Which IP should proxy API listen on (default is bind-ip value). |
-m , --proxy-api-ip |
proxy_api_ip |
<same as bind_ip > |
Which port proxy API should listen on. | CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_PROXYAPIPORT |
-w , --proxy-api-port |
proxy_api_port |
3130 |
0 concurrent connections means unlimited. Embedded TLS key/certificate means that headless proxy will use ones from the repository.
Configuration is implemented in TOML language. If you haven't heard about TOML, please consider it as a hardened INI configuration file. Every configuration goes to top-level section (unnamed). X-Headers go to its own section. Let's express following command line in the configuration file:
$ crawlera-headless-proxy -b -p 3129 -u -o 8010 -x profile=desktop -x cookies=disable
Configuration file will look like:
bind_ip = ""
bind_port = 3129
crawlera_host = ""
crawlera_port = 8010
profile = "desktop"
cookies = "disable"
You can use both command line flags, environment variables, and configuration files. This tool will resolve these options according to this order (1 has max priority, 4 - minimal):
- Environment variables
- Commandline flags
- Configuration file
- Defaults
Docker example:
$ docker run --name crawlera-headless-proxy -p 3128:3128 zytedata/zyte-smartproxy-headless-proxy -a $APIKEY -d -x profile=pass -x cookies=disable -x no-bancheck=1 --direct-access-hostpath-regexps=".*?\.(?:txt|json|css|less|js|mjs|cjs|gif|ico|jpe?g|svg|png|webp|mkv|mp4|mpe?g|webm|eot|ttf|woff2?)$" --adblock-list="" --adblock-list=""
There is a limiter on maximal amount of concurrent connections
. This is required because default Crawlera
limits the number of concurrent connections based on the billing
plan of the user. If the user exceeds this amount, Crawlera returns
a response with status code 429. This can be rather irritating so
there is internal limiter which is more friendly to the browsers. You
need to set up a number of concurrent connections for your plan and
crawlera-headless-proxy will throttle your requests before they will go
to Crawlera. It won't send 429 back, it just holds excess requests.
Crawlera allows using sessions and sessions are natural if we are talking about browsers. Session binds a certain IP to some session ID so all requests will go through the same IP, in the same way as ordinary work with browser looks like. It can slow down your crawl but increase its quality for some websites.
The current implementation of automatic session management is done with the assumption that only one browser is used to access this proxy. There is no clear and simple way how to distinguish the browsers accessing this proxy concurrently.
Basic behavior is here:
- If the session is not created, it would be created on the first request.
- Until session is known, all other requests are on hold
- After session id is known, other requests will start to use that session.
- If the session became broken, all requests are set on hold until the new session will be created.
- All requests which were failed because of a broken session would be retried with new. If a new session is not ready yet, they will wait until this moment.
Such retries will be done only once because they might potentially block browser for a long time. All retries are also done with 30 seconds timeout.
crawlera-headless-proxy supports preventive filtering by; adblock-compatible filter lists like EasyList. If you start the tool with such lists, they are going to be downloaded and requests to trackers/advertising platforms will be filtered. This will save you a lot of throughput and requests passed to Crawlera.
If you do not pass any list, such filtering won't be enabled. The list we recommend to use is EasyList (please do not forget to add region-specific lists), EasyPrivacy and Disconnect.
Sometimes you want to save a capacity and execute requests bypassing Crawlera. These requests can include some static assets, text files or anything else where Crawlera is not necessary.
You can specify a list of regular expressions which matches host + path parts of URL for direct access from headless proxy, ignoring Crawlera.
Since crawlera-headless-proxy has to inject X-Headers into responses, it works with your browser only by HTTP 1.1. Unfortunately, there is no clear way how to hijack HTTP2 connections. Also, since it is effectively MITM proxy, you need to use its own TLS certificate. This is hardcoded into the binary so you have to download it and apply it to your system. Please consult with manuals of your operating system how to do that.
Link to certificate is
Its SHA256 checksum is 100c7dd015814e7b8df16fc9e8689129682841d50f9a1b5a8a804a1eaf36322d
If you want to have your own certificate, please generate it. The simplest way to do that is to execute the following command:
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout private-key.pem -out ca.crt -days 3650 -nodes
This command will generate TLS private key private-key.pem
self-signed certificate ca.crt
crawlera-headless-proxy has its own HTTP Rest API which is bind to another port. Right now only one endpoint is supported.
This endpoint returns various statistics on the current work of proxy.
"requests_number": 423,
"crawlera_requests": 426,
"crawlera_errors": 0,
"all_errors": 6,
"adblocked_requests": 0,
"sessions_created": 4,
"clients_connected": 1,
"clients_serving": 1,
"traffic": 6326557,
"overall_times": {
"average": 0.37859728122037895,
"minimal": 0.016320158,
"maxmimal": 6.96558913,
"median": 0.1117137805,
"standard_deviation": 1.001460285777158,
"percentiles": {
"10": 0.05237131,
"20": 0.071472272,
"30": 0.088965026,
"40": 0.101607119,
"50": 0.1117137805,
"60": 0.125672599,
"70": 0.137716451,
"75": 0.146478028,
"80": 0.154273865,
"85": 0.162262952,
"90": 0.180582867,
"95": 3.514414853,
"99": 3.729193071
"crawlera_times": {
"average": 0.30196985308000035,
"minimal": 3.1394e-05,
"maxmimal": 3.750836014,
"median": 0.080731409,
"standard_deviation": 0.8410949224993787,
"percentiles": {
"10": 0.036049358,
"20": 0.049492537,
"30": 0.062905696,
"40": 0.072465399,
"50": 0.080731409,
"60": 0.0885455695,
"70": 0.09895164,
"75": 0.103160955,
"80": 0.110743335,
"85": 0.118884673,
"90": 0.129430856,
"95": 3.494953838,
"99": 3.694614379
"traffic_times": {
"average": 15099.18138424821,
"minimal": 336,
"maxmimal": 516239,
"median": 10383,
"standard_deviation": 31541.145341694657,
"percentiles": {
"10": 7511,
"20": 8441,
"30": 9230,
"40": 9833,
"50": 10383,
"60": 10889,
"70": 11398,
"75": 11853,
"80": 12327,
"85": 13121,
"90": 15153,
"95": 44791,
"99": 73846
"uptime": 123
Here is the description of these stats:
- a number of requests managed by headless proxy. This includes all possible requests, not only those which were sent to Crawlera.crawlera_requests
- a number of requests which were sent to Crawlera. This also includes retries on session restoration etc.sessions_created
- how many sessions were created by headless proxy so far.clients_connected
- how many clients (requests) are connected to the headless proxy at this moment.clients_serving
- how many clients (requests) are doing requests to Crawlera now.traffic
- an amount of traffic sent to clients in bytes. This metric does include headers and body sizes.crawlera_errors
- a number of responses whereX-Crawlera-Error
header is set.all_errors
- a number of responses with errors (canceled, timeouts and crawlera_errors).adblocked_requests
- a number of requests which were blocked by Adblock lists. *_times
describes different time series (overall response time, time spent in crawlera) etc and provide average(mean), min and max values, standard deviation and histogram of percentiles. Time series are done in window mode, tracking only latest 3000 values.
Please pay attention that usually requests_number and crawlera_requests are different. This is because headless proxy filters adblock requests and also retries to recreate sessions which imply additional Crawlera requests. So, depending on the netloc proportion of these numbers can differ.
Also, clients_serving <= clients_connected
because of rate limiting. You
may consider client_serving as requests which pass rate limiter.
Crawlera is configured using the special headers, which usually are
called x-headers (they have X-
prefix in their name). You can find a
full list
of them in documentation.
There are 2 different ways of providing these header to the headless proxy:
- Use the full name
- Use the short version
For example, user wants to use desktop browser profile. Corresponding
header is X-Crawlera-Profile
. So, user can add following line to the
x-crawlera-profile = "desktop"
or pass it via command line:
$ crawlera-headless-proxy ... -x x-crawlera-profile=desktop
but it makes no sense to use X-Crawlera-
prefix all the time, please omit it.
profile = "desktop"
or pass it via command line:
$ crawlera-headless-proxy ... -x profile=desktop
$ crawlera-headless-proxy -p 3128 -a "$MYAPIKEY" -x profile=desktop
$ curl -x localhost:3128 -sLI
from selenium import webdriver
CRAWLERA_HEADLESS_PROXY = "localhost:3128"
profile = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX.copy()
profile["proxy"] = {
"noProxy": None,
"proxyType": "MANUAL",
"class": "org.openqa.selenium.Proxy",
"autodetect": False
driver = webdriver.Remote("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub", profile)