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Releases: AKEric/skinner

v1.2.0 Updates

11 Jun 16:43
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  • Rearranging some of the Import tab UI elements. Bugfixing App.importSkin : It wasn't closing the undoChunk. Adding the 'Auto-Fix Broken skinCluster' to the 'Extras' tab. Updating tooltips, making multi-line.
  • : Setting setWeights unskinFirst default to False, was True. Updating the undoChunk closing code with specific names. Adding regenrateSkinCluster, adding new tempFilePath arg, and kwargs capturing to both exportTempSkin and importTempSkin.
  • : Updating setBindPose : "it stopped working", and now needs a 'g' (global) arg set True.

Per the new 'auto fix broken skincluster' tool, copy/paste from the docs:

  • There's a really weird bug that sometimes when you import skinning onto mesh with an existing skinCluster, the tool fails, with this error:
    • '(kInvalidParameter): Object is incompatible with this method'
    • I've found that sometimes (but not always), trying to load skinning onto a skinCluster that wasn't made by this tool, will trigger that error.
    • It appears to be something 'bad' in the skinCluster itself preventing the new weights from being set. Much debugging/diffing of mayaAscii files hasn't turned up anything.
    • The fix is simple (what this new feature/button does): Export temp skinning on the mesh, unbind it, and reimport the skinning, to get a 'new' (and much happier) skinCluster built, so that future sknr imports work better.

v1.1.11 Updates

07 Jun 16:57
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Bugfixing tool to properly paste weights on selected verts. Specifically:

  • : updating addInfluences to not change any weights when influences are added. Adding transposeWeights, to reorder SkinChunk influence weights based on skinCluster influence order.
  • : updating setWeights to leverage the new utils.transposeWeights to sort SkinChunk weights in the same order as the influences on the skinCluster. Also raising more expections if 'selectVertsOnly' is set and operations would happen that would change the skinning. Various verbose logging formatting changes.

Open Source Code

05 Feb 23:31
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As of Feb 2023, Skinner has been open sourced. But the developer would still appreicate any tips you'd like to provide.

Please 'buy me a coffee' per the below suggested tipping rate:

  • Student / Hobbyist / Indy dev : Free! (but if you want to donate, I won't turn you down)
  • Any other production : $25 a user.

Reobfuscate modules

21 Jan 23:20
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Reobfuscating previous release via PyArmor to see if it fixes 'Marshal Load Fails' errors for those that have been getting them.

v1.1.8 Updates

12 Apr 04:02
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Bugfixing string formatting error in core -> setWeights.

v1.1.7 Updates

10 Mar 04:14
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New options to set the post-skinning smoothing 'weight difference threshold' value. Changing the default post smooth diff value from .01 to .25, to help resolve odd skinning bugs.

v1.1.5 Updates

11 Jan 03:05
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Updating utils.normalizeToOne to better handle floating point precision errors.

v1.1.4 Updates

08 Jan 20:32
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Updating core.setWeights skinCluster smoothing code with a fixed tolerance value.

v1.1.3 Updates

05 Jan 03:03
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Updating Window 'extras' tab with separators and Skinner package install path.
Adding updated screenshots.

v1.1.2 Updates

30 Dec 23:05
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Updating all source to use Python3 type hint notation.