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BSK v2.1.7

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@schaubh schaubh released this 24 Mar 19:40
· 1267 commits to develop since this release
  • Fixed CMake/conan case sensitivty issue when compiling Basilisk with opNav flag set to True on Linux platforms
  • Created fsw :ref:hingedRigidBodyPIDMotor to compute the commanded torque to :ref:spinningBodyOneDOFStateEffector using a proportional-integral-derivative controller.
  • Added :ref:torqueScheduler to combine two :ref:ArrayMotorTorqueMsgPayload into one and implement effector locking logic.
  • Refactored how Custom.cmake files are included and how they are to be constructed. Custom.cmake files
    should no longer include an include guard (e.g. if(BUILD_OPNAV) ... endif(BUILD_OPNAV) ). Rather, to add
    optionally compile a module, its directory name should be added to a list in
    src/cmake/bskTargetExcludeBuildOptions.cmake. Most importantly, the build target is now accessible within the
    a Custom.cmake file as ${TARGET_NAME}. This enables appropriate modularization of build target specific
    includes, dependencies, and compiler flags. For an example of the implications of this refactor review the before
    and after of the src/cmake/usingOpenCV.cmake file.
  • updated :ref:unitTestSupport to create the file path in a platform agnostic manner
  • Created a :ref:sensorThermal module to model the temperature of a sensor using radiative heat transfer
  • Created a :ref:tempMeasurement module to add sensor noise/bias and fault capabilities to temperature readings
  • Added a terminal flag to the event handlers that cause the simulation to terminate when triggered; demonstrated
    use of flag in update to :ref:scenarioDragDeorbit.
  • Created a :ref:prescribedMotionStateEffector dynamics module for appending rigid bodies with prescribed motion
    to the spacecraft hub.
  • Added :ref:solarArrayReference to compute the reference angle and angle rate for a rotating solar array.
  • Update python dependency documentation and check to not use conan version 2.0.0 for now
  • Changed the SpinningBodyStateEffector module name to :ref:spinningBodyOneDOFStateEffector.
  • Added the ability to lock the axis on the :ref:spinningBodyOneDOFStateEffector module.
  • Added two new unit tests to :ref:spinningBodyOneDOFStateEffector.
  • Updated :ref:magneticFieldWMM to use the latest WMM coefficient file and evaluation software
  • Added a :ref:spinningBodyTwoDOFStateEffector module that simulates a two-axis rotating rigid component.
  • Created :ref:oneAxisSolarArrayPoint to generate the reference attitude for a spacecraft that needs to point a body-fixed
    axis along an inertial direction while ensuring maximum power generation on the solar arrays
  • Added a maximum power parameter maxPower to :ref:reactionWheelStateEffector for limiting supplied
    power, independent of the modules in simulation/power.
  • Added :ref:thrusterPlatformReference to align the dual-gimballed thruster with the system's center of mass, or at an offset thereof to perform momentum dumping.
  • Improved reliability of opNav scenario communication between :ref:vizInterface and Vizard
  • provide support or Vizard 2.1.4 features