This is a PyTorch implementation of YolOOD: Utilizing Object Detection Concepts for Multi-Label Out-of-Distribution Detection by Alon Zolfi, Guy Amit, Amit Baras, Satoru Koda, Ikuya Morikawa, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai. Code is modified from YOLOv5 and JointEnergy.
conda create -n YolOOD python=3.8
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
pip install opencv-python==
pip install pyyaml==6.0
pip install scikit-learn==1.1.1
pip install seaborn==0.11.2
pip install tqdm==4.64.0
pip install albumentations==1.1.0
In-distribution datasets should be formatted in the following format (YOLO format):
├── dataset_name
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── file1.png
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── val
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── test
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ ├── labels
│ │ ├── train
│ │ │ ├── file1.txt
│ │ │ ├── ...
│ │ ├── val
│ │ │ ├── ...
Each image in the train and validation folders should have a corresponding label file. Every line (an object) in the labels file should be formatted as:
class_id x_center y_center width height
where x_center, y_center, width, and height are normalized between [0,1]. train and val folders are used to train the model (YolOOD or YOLO-cls), while test is used as in-distribution dataset for the OOD detection evaluation.
For simplicity, for each dataset, we include the lists containing all the file names for each split named {split}.list .
OOD datasets should be formatted in the following format:
├── dataset_name
│ ├── images
│ │ ├── test
│ │ │ ├── file1.png
│ │ │ ├── ...
Note: there is no labels folder since the images are only used for the OOD detection evaluation.
By default, the script removes all temporary files and folders. To override this setting, remove --delete_temp
To download COCO dataset, run the following script:
python datasets/ --dataset_name coco2017 --delete_temp
To download Pascal VOC dataset, first download the test data 2012 version from here (register to the website, then go to Contents/Test Data -> Submission of Results/PASCAL VOC Evaluation Server -> PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012 (VOC2012) -> Download VOC2012 test data) and place the download tar file (named download.tar) in the datasets/pascal_voc folder. Then run the following script:
python datasets/ --dataset_name pascal_voc --delete_temp
Since the original Objects365 dataset is extremely large (712 GB = 367G data + 345G zips), the following script prepares both in-distribution and OOD subsets. Download the custom labels from here and place them in the datasets/objects365_in folder.
python datasets/ --dataset_name objects365 --delete_temp
Note: this script requires large disk space to download the entire Objects365 dataset. After the dataset preparation is done, the temporary folders and files are deleted.
For Objects365_in, the mapping from the original Objects365 is: {0: 0, 1: 2, 2: 5, 3: 21, 4: 56, 5: 24, 6: 72, 7: 8, 8: 25, 9: 10, 10: 13, 11: 92, 12: 55, 13: 116, 14: 39, 15: 96, 16: 114, 17: 139, 18: 65, 19: 78}
the class names are: [ person, chair, car, boat, wild bird, bench, sailboat, bottle, potted plant, cup, handbag, dog, bus, train, umbrella, cow, airplane, cat, truck, horse]
To download NUS-WIDE_out subset, run the following script:
python datasets/ --dataset_name nus_wide_out
The pretrained models (YolOOD, YOLO-cls, and YOLO) for each in-distribution dataset can be found here. Unzip the downloaded zip file in the project's root folder.
Train YolOOD on COCO:
python --data data/coco2017.yaml
Train YolOOD on Pascal VOC:
python --data data/pascal_voc.yaml
Train YolOOD on Objects365_in:
python --data data/objects365_in.yaml
experiments will be saved in the runs/train_yolood folder.
Train YOLO-cls on COCO:
python --ind_dataset coco2017
Train YolOOD on Pascal VOC:
python --ind_dataset pascal_voc
Train YolOOD on Objects365_in:
python --ind_dataset objects365_in
experiments will be saved in the runs/train_cls folder.
The given scripts use for example the COCO as in-distribution dataset and Objects365_out as OOD dataset.
python --arch yolo_ood --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood yolood --method max --ood_type obj*cls --head_method sum --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
Optional arguments:
--ood ['yolood', 'energy']
--method ['max', 'sum'] # class scores aggregation method
--ood_type ['obj*cls', 'obj', 'cls'] # which candidate scores to use
--head_method ['max', 'sum', 'multiply'] # head aggregation method
python --arch yolo_cls --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood energy --method sum --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
python --arch yolo_cls --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood msp --method max --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
python --arch yolo_cls --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood logit --method max --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
ODIN contains the temperature (defaults to 1) and noise magnitude (defaults to 0) hyperparams.
python --arch yolo_cls --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood odin --method max --T 1 --noise 0 --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
To find the best hyperparams run the following script and choose the configuration the yields the best FPR95:
python --ood odin --method max --noise NOISE_VALUE --T TEMPERATURE_VALUE --ind_dataset coco2017 --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER
Mahalanobis contains the noise magnitude (defaults to 0) feature ensemble option (vanilla/ensemble) hyperparams.
python --arch yolo_cls --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood odin --method max --noise 0 --maha_type ensemble --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
To find the best hyperparams run the following script and choose the configuration the yields the best FPR95:
python --ood maha --method max --maha_type ensemble --noise NOISE_VALUE --ind_dataset coco2017 --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER
python --arch yolo --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FOLDER --ood yolo --method max --ood_type obj*cls --head_method max --ind_dataset coco2017 --ood_dataset objects365_out
title={YolOOD: Utilizing Object Detection Concepts for Multi-Label Out-of-Distribution Detection},
author={Zolfi, Alon and Amit, Guy and Baras, Amit and Koda, Satoru and Morikawa, Ikuya and Elovici, Yuval and Shabtai, Asaf},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},