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David Campos edited this page Oct 14, 2016 · 6 revisions


Installing Neji is simple:

  • Download the latest distribution package
  • Extract the compressed file
  • Use ./ to annotate documents
  • Use ./ to train new NER machine learning models
  • Use ./ to create a new Web server

The distribution package includes:

  • Shell scripts for using Neji
  • GDep and OpenNLP tools and models
  • NER model for Gene and Protein recognition
  • Example dictionaries
  • Example corpora to annotate and train

Please visit the documentation pages to use Neji as: CLI and SDK.


Neji can be included in your project as a Maven dependency.

Add the following repository:

    <name>Bioinformatics Nexus (All)</name>

Add the following dependency:



We recommend using the latest version of Linux or MacOS with Java 7 or later.

Neji runs on Windows but it performs slower, due to a C++ library dependency of GDep. If you do not use GDep, the performance of Neji on Windows is the same as on Linux or MacOS.

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