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Releases: BPR02/SkyBlock_Collection


03 Feb 19:00
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


No changes to source; rebuilt datapacks without the observer cache.


Fixes worldgen packs not working in 1.21-1.21.1. ( #42 )

Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.0.1


14 Jan 01:52
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.



  • Updated for 1.21.4
  • Uses Observer to generate backwards compatibility overlays

Full Changelog: v2.1.6...v3.0.0


20 Nov 02:38
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.



  • fixes a bug where all blocks would be deleted instead of keeping a select few plus some structures from other packs in 1.21-1.21.1
  • bump patch version


  • trader additions
    • fixes traders having no trades
    • fixes a bug where pumpkins, pufferfish, tropical fish, and disc fragment 5 can only be bought 3 times instead of 4
  • bump patch version
    Full Changelog: v2.1.5...v2.1.6


16 Nov 22:47
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.1.5


15 Nov 19:20
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


Sky Void Additions

  • Fix coal blocks to diamond conversion and purpur conversion to shulker by @aymeric2001 in #29

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.1.4


11 Oct 02:15
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


Bug Fixes:

  • Sky Void Additions
    • Fix amethyst geode lava raycast

Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.3


01 Oct 16:39
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


Bug Fixes:

  • Worldgen Structures
    • allow (noise) caves to generate, so mineshafts generate some wood platforms

Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2


01 Oct 16:12
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


Bug Fixes:

  • Worldgen Structures
    • properly generates mineshafts with chest minecarts


  • Naming Scheme
    • Compat packs naming/versioning scheme changed to reflect both compat version and supported version of the other pack

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1


01 Oct 03:07
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).
There are 8 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated.
structures will generate all structures including blocks, entities, and bounding boxes.

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).
There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga.

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


New Worldgen Type: Structures

  • Generates all structures in the world

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0


30 Sep 17:31
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SkyBlock Data Packs

This is a collection of data packs to generate and play SkyBlock. For a full description of each data pack, visit the wiki.
View the source code here.

Bundled Packs

There are bundled packs available on Modrinth and Smithed. It is recommended to download from these sites rather than GitHub.
Standard SkyBlock: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains skyblock island and normal void worldgen)
Vanilla One Block: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge (contains oneblock island, single lava worldgen, and oneblock starter)
Sky Void Additions: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Advancements: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Sand Island: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Biome Islands: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge
SkyBlock Dirt Hardcore: Smithed Badge Modrinth Badge

Customize Your Experience

There are a variety of worldgen and island options available to customize the sky block experience.

Worldgen (PICK ONE)

There are 7 options for worldgen which relate to the amount of lava that generate with entrance end portals. The default is no lava; full_lava has a 3x3 lava pit below the end portal; single_lava has only a single block of lava in the lava pit; portal_room has the entire stronghold portal room; empty has no blocks at all; normal_end has a single lava in the lava pit and a normal end dimension. pinu contains the portal room and a normal end dimension which is how Pinu's One Block world is generated. Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_worldgen).

Starter Islands (PICK ONE)

There are 3 options for starter islands: normal skyblock, one block, and dirt only. Standard SkyBlock will generate the classic island with an oak tree and a chest containing a bucket of lava and ice block. One block skyblock will generate a single grass block in a snowy taiga. Dirt skyblock will generate a classic island without a tree or chest in a snowy taiga. Only one of these should be installed (prefixed with skyvoid_island).

Extras (PICK ANY)

  • The skyvoid_additions data pack adds new mechanics to allow for all items, mobs, and advancements to be obtained in skyblock.
  • The skyvoid_advancements data pack and rp_skyvoid_advancements resource pack will rearrange the main advancement page and nether page to better guide progression of SkyBlock.
  • To facilitate the early game for vanilla one block, a starter pack vanilla_oneblock_starter has been created which will speed up the time needed to obtain an iron shovel.
  • The no_end_ship data pack will delete the blocks generated for the end ship. Installing this pack will keep the shulkers and mid-air elytra item frame, but no blocks will generate for the end city ship.
  • The sand_island data pack will generate a floating sand island near 0 0 containing a cactus and chest.
  • The biome_islands data pack will generate sparse biome-themed islands throughout the world.


Datapacks that modify worldgen using noise settings or datapacks that modify or add biomes need an additional compatibility pack to work together with the SkyBlock datapack. Prefixed with skyvoid_compat, the compatibility patches are available for these datapacks:

Compatibility with Structure Packs

Any datapack that only adds structures to vanilla biomes will work automatically with these datapacks.


Structure Bounding Boxes

  • All structure bounding boxes are kept, including custom structures
    • Ocean ruins have a weird bug that cause some of the hitbox to generate at the bottom of the world
    • All blocks in structures (generated in any step in or before underground_decoration) are removed
    • All entities in structures (generated in any step in or before underground_decoration) are kept, meaning flying mobs will likely survive
      • In vanilla structures, non-flying mobs are not generated in most structures (exceptions being the ones that don't use structure files, e.g. ocean monument and ocean ruins)
    • Structures can be added into the world by putting them in one of the steps in or after fluid_springs


  • In the normal skyvoid_worldgen generation, the entire stronghold bounding box with the end portal in the same location as a normal world (for some reason the number of eyes are not consistent with a normal world)
  • In the generation variants that involve lava, an end portal is generated a the location of the starter staircase, but the Y-level is not guaranteed to be within the bounding box of the stronghold

The End

  • Exit end portals now generate at the correct height, matching the exact location it would generate in a normal world
  • There is some sort of bug involving some of the obsidian pillars and end crystals to not fully generate, but respawning the dragon will properly generate the pillars


In Jacobsjo's map, the snowy taiga markers will be hidden

Terrain/Biome Datapacks

Datapacks that modify terrain using only density functions (e.g. tectonic, continents) are automatically compatible.

Datapacks that modify terrain via noise settings (e.g. terralith, lithosphere), modify biomes (e.g. nullscape, geophilic), or add custom biomes (e.g. incendium, terralith, nullscape) are not automatically compatible.

To add compatibility, an additional datapack can be created to patch/merge the changes between the two datapacks. There is a script in the source code to pull a datapack and create a compatibility pack. Compatibility packs have been added for Terralith, Nullscape, and Amplified Nether.

Loot Tables

The starter chest has been changed from hardcoded items to a loot table so it can easily be changed without modifying the structure file.

Full Changelog: v1.5.4...v2.0.0