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Tools and IntelliSense for GLSL and WGSL.

Table of Contents


To install, use your preferred package manager:

npm install shaderkit
yarn add shaderkit
pnpm add shaderkit

Or, use a CDN:

<script type="module">
  import * as shaderkit from ''


Tokenizes a string of GLSL or WGSL code, returning an array of Token objects, where each Token object represents a single syntax feature in the input code.

interface Token {
  type: 'whitespace' | 'comment' | 'symbol' | 'bool' | 'float' | 'int' | 'identifier' | 'keyword'
  value: string
GLSL Example
import { tokenize } from 'shaderkit'

const code = 'void main() { gl_Position = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1); }'
const tokens = tokenize(code)


The output of the above code will be:

  { "type": "keyword", "value": "void" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "identifier", "value": "main" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "(" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ")" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "{" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "gl_Position" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "=" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "vec4" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "(" },
  { "type": "int", "value": "0" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "," },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "int", "value": "0" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "," },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "int", "value": "0" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "," },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "int", "value": "1" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ")" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ";" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "}" }
WGSL Example
import { tokenize } from 'shaderkit'

const code = '@vertex fn main() -> @builtin(position) vec4<f32> { return vec4(0, 0, 0, 1); }'
const tokens = tokenize(code)


The output of the above code will be:

  { "type": "symbol", "value": "@" },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "vertex" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "fn" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "identifier", "value": "main" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "(" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ")" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "->" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "@" },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "builtin" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "(" },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "position" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ")" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "vec4" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "<" },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "f32" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ">" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "{" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "return" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "keyword", "value": "vec4" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "(" },
  { "type": "int", "value": "0" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "," },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "int", "value": "0" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "," },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "int", "value": "0" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "," },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "int", "value": "1" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ")" },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": ";" },
  { "type": "whitespace", "value": " " },
  { "type": "symbol", "value": "}" }

The following are the supported token types and their descriptions:

Type Description
whitespace A sequence of one or more whitespace characters.
comment A single-line or multi-line comment.
symbol A symbol, such as an operator or punctuation mark.
bool A boolean value, either true or false.
float A floating-point number, represented by a sequence of digits and symbols.
int An integer number, represented by a sequence of digits.
identifier A user-defined identifier, such as a variable name or function name.
keyword A keyword reserved by the language, such as if, else, for, etc.


Minifies a string of GLSL or WGSL code, returning a minified version of the input code.

const minified: string = minify(code: string, {
  /** Whether to rename variables. Will call a MangleMatcher if specified. Default is `false`. */
  mangle: boolean | ((token: Token, index: number, tokens: Token[]) => boolean)
  /** A map to read and write renamed variables to when mangling. */
  mangleMap: Map<string, string>
  /** Whether to rename external variables such as uniforms or varyings. Default is `false`. */
  mangleExternals: boolean

To shared mangled interfaces when using mangleExternal, declare and re-use a mangleMap between shaders:

const options = { mangle: true, mangleExternals: true, mangleMap: new Map() }

// #version 300 es\nin vec2 a;out vec2 b;void main(){b=a;}
minify(`#version 300 es\nin vec2 sstt;out vec2 c;void main(){c=sstt;}`, options)

// #version 300 es\nin vec2 b;out vec4 a[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];void main(){a[0]=b.sstt;}
minify(`#version 300 es\nin vec2 c;out vec4 data[gl_MaxDrawBuffers];void main(){data[0]=c.sstt;}`, options)


Parses a string of GLSL (WGSL is WIP) code into an AST.

const ast: Program = parse(code: string)


Generates a string of GLSL (WGSL is WIP) code from an AST.

const code: string = generate(program: Program, {
  target: 'GLSL' // | 'WGSL'


Recurses through an AST, calling a visitor object on matching nodes.

  program: Program,
  visitors: {
    Program: {
      enter(node, ancestors) {
        // Called before any descendant nodes are processed
      exit(node, ancestors) {
        // Called after all nodes are processed
    Identifier(node, ancestors) {
      // Called before any descendant nodes are processed (alias to enter)
  } satisfies Visitors


An Abstract Syntax Tree loosely based on ESTree for GLSL and WGSL grammars.

Node Objects

AST nodes extend Node objects which implement the following abstract interface:

interface Node {
  type: string

The type field is a string representing the AST variant type which can determine the interface a node implements.


A variable identifier.

interface Identifier extends Node {
  type: 'Identifier'
  name: string


A shader literal representing a bool, float, int, or uint type.

interface Literal extends Node {
  type: 'Literal'
  value: string


An array and its dimensions.

interface ArraySpecifier extends Node {
  type: 'ArraySpecifier'
  typeSpecifier: Identifier
  dimensions: (Literal | Identifier | null)[]


Represents the root of an AST.

interface Program extends Node {
  type: 'Program'
  body: Statement[]


An expression as a standalone statement.

interface ExpressionStatement extends Node {
  type: 'ExpressionStatement'
  expression: Expression


A block statement.

interface BlockStatement extends Node {
  type: 'BlockStatement'
  body: Statement[]


A discard statement in fragment shaders.

interface DiscardStatement extends Node {
  type: 'DiscardStatement'


A GLSL preprocessor statement with an optional value.

interface PreprocessorStatement extends Node {
  type: 'PreprocessorStatement'
  name: string
  value: Expression[] | null


A GLSL precision qualifier statement.

interface PrecisionQualifierStatement extends Node {
  type: 'PrecisionQualifierStatement'
  precision: PrecisionQualifier
  typeSpecifier: Identifier


A GLSL invariant qualifier statement.

interface InvariantQualifierStatement extends Node {
  type: 'InvariantQualifierStatement'
  typeSpecifier: Identifier


A layout qualifier statement.

interface LayoutQualifierStatement extends Node {
  type: 'LayoutQualifierStatement'
  layout: Record<string, string | boolean>
  qualifier: StorageQualifier


A return statement with an optional argument.

interface ReturnStatement extends Node {
  type: 'ReturnStatement'
  argument: Expression | null


A break statement.

interface BreakStatement extends Node {
  type: 'BreakStatement'


A continue statement.

interface ContinueStatement extends Node {
  type: 'ContinueStatement'


An if-else statement.

interface IfStatement extends Node {
  type: 'IfStatement'
  test: Expression
  consequent: Statement
  alternate: Statement | null


A switch statement.

interface SwitchStatement extends Node {
  type: 'SwitchStatement'
  discriminant: Expression
  cases: SwitchCase[]


A switch-case statement. test is null for a default case.

interface SwitchCase extends Node {
  type: 'SwitchCase'
  test: Expression | null
  consequent: Statement[]


A while statement.

interface WhileStatement extends Node {
  type: 'WhileStatement'
  test: Expression
  body: Statement


A do-while statement.

interface DoWhileStatement extends Node {
  type: 'DoWhileStatement'
  body: Statement
  test: Expression


A for statement.

interface ForStatement extends Node {
  type: 'ForStatement'
  init: VariableDeclaration | Expression | null
  test: Expression | null
  update: Expression | null
  body: Statement


A function declaration. body is null for overloads.

interface FunctionDeclaration extends Node {
  type: 'FunctionDeclaration'
  id: Identifier
  qualifiers: PrecisionQualifier[]
  typeSpecifier: Identifier | ArraySpecifier
  params: FunctionParameter[]
  body: BlockStatement | null


A function parameter within a function declaration.

interface FunctionParameter extends Node {
  type: 'FunctionParameter'
  id: Identifier | null
  qualifiers: (ConstantQualifier | ParameterQualifier | PrecisionQualifier)[]
  typeSpecifier: Identifier | ArraySpecifier


A variable declaration.

interface VariableDeclaration extends Node {
  type: 'VariableDeclaration'
  declarations: VariableDeclarator[]


A variable declarator within a variable declaration.

interface VariableDeclarator extends Node {
  type: 'VariableDeclarator'
  id: Identifier
  qualifiers: (ConstantQualifier | InterpolationQualifier | StorageQualifier | PrecisionQualifier)[]
  typeSpecifier: Identifier | ArraySpecifier
  layout: Record<string, string | boolean> | null
  init: Expression | null


A buffer interface declaration with optional layout and qualifiers.

interface StructuredBufferDeclaration extends Node {
  type: 'StructuredBufferDeclaration'
  id: Identifier | null
  qualifiers: (InterfaceStorageQualifier | MemoryQualifier | LayoutQualifier)[]
  typeSpecifier: Identifier | ArraySpecifier
  layout: Record<string, string | boolean> | null
  members: VariableDeclaration[]


A struct declaration. Can be used as a type or constructor.

interface StructDeclaration extends Node {
  type: 'StructDeclaration'
  id: Identifier
  members: VariableDeclaration[]


An array initialization expression.

interface ArrayExpression extends Node {
  type: 'ArrayExpression'
  typeSpecifier: ArraySpecifier
  elements: Expression[]


A unary expression with a left or right handed operator.

interface UnaryExpression extends Node {
  type: 'UnaryExpression'
  operator: UnaryOperator
  prefix: boolean
  argument: Expression


type UnaryOperator = '-' | '+' | '!' | '~'


An update expression with an optionally prefixed operator.

interface UpdateExpression extends Node {
  type: 'UpdateExpression'
  operator: UpdateOperator
  argument: Expression
  prefix: boolean


type UpdateOperator = '++' | '--'


A binary expression with a left and right operand.

interface BinaryExpression extends Node {
  type: 'BinaryExpression'
  operator: BinaryOperator
  left: Expression
  right: Expression


type BinaryOperator =
  | '=='
  | '!='
  | '<'
  | '<='
  | '>'
  | '>='
  | '<<'
  | '>>'
  | '+'
  | '-'
  | '*'
  | '/'
  | '%'
  | '|'
  | '^'
  | '&'


An assignment expression.

interface AssignmentExpression extends Node {
  type: 'AssignmentExpression'
  operator: AssignmentOperator
  left: Expression
  right: Expression


type AssignmentOperator = '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '%=' | '<<=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '|=' | '^=' | '&='


A logical operation between two expressions.

interface LogicalExpression extends Node {
  type: 'LogicalExpression'
  operator: LogicalOperator
  left: Expression
  right: Expression


type LogicalOperator = '||' | '&&' | '^^'


A member expression.

interface MemberExpression extends Node {
  type: 'MemberExpression'
  object: Expression
  property: Expression
  computed: boolean


A conditional expression or ternary.

interface ConditionalExpression extends Node {
  type: 'ConditionalExpression'
  test: Expression
  alternate: Expression
  consequent: Expression


A function call expression or struct initialization.

interface CallExpression extends Node {
  type: 'CallExpression'
  callee: Expression
  arguments: Expression[]