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Cantus DB Editor

Jacob deGroot-Maggetti edited this page Sep 20, 2022 · 2 revisions

Cantus DB Editor

Some functionalities and content are available only to logged-in users (indexers). This page lists the interface changes and new content in OldCantus available upon logging-in.


The footer is shared across all pages of the website. Before logging in, the rightmost column of the footer displays the login interface. After logging in, in login interface is replaced by the "Admin Navigation" menu, which links to many editing-related pages.

This page lists all sources of the logged-in indexer. It allows the indexer to

Add Source - (source input form)

After logging-in, extra indexers (those who only have unpublished sources) are included in the list.

Import feasts from Cantus Index -

Empty page, perhaps due to insufficient privilege.

Update feasts from Cantus Index -

Empty page, perhaps due to insufficient privilege.

Publish unpublished chants -

Empty page, perhaps due to insufficient privilege.

Generate CSV - all published sources -

Display a download link for a CSV file containing all chants in all published sources, including the following fields: siglum, marginalia, folio, sequence, incipit, feast, office, genre, position, cantus_id, mode, finalis, differentia, differentia_new, fulltext_standardized, fulltext_ms,volpiano, image_link, melody_id, cao_concordances, addendum, extra, node_id.

Empty page, perhaps due to insufficient privilege.

Empty page, perhaps due to insufficient privilege.

User-detail page, just like indexer-detail page.

In the second column, "What's new" and "Sample sources" are replaced by "My sources" and "Source created by user".

My sources

List all sources the user has access to. For each source, allow the user to

Source created by user

A list of sources created by the current user and a link to add new source.

After logging-in, extra indexers (those who only have unpublished sources) are included in the list.

Available under Navbar - About, after logging in. Gives the numbers of published/unpublished chants/sequences.

After logging in, unpublished sources are available in the list.

Other pages

Generally, whenever a page displays a list of chants/sources, unpublished items should be visible only to logged-in users.

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