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Dylan Hillerbrand edited this page Jul 15, 2024 · 62 revisions

Since early 2022, we've been keeping a log of changes to the code running on our production server within pull requests where we merge changes into our Production branch. Here is a list of links to these pull requests, including the date on which the PR was merged and the approximate time the changes went live on the Production server.

For each PR, a non-exhaustive list of significant changes (affecting the structure of the codebase, having implications for the data in the database, updates to version numbers for dependencies, etc.) is included as a sublist.

  • 2024 July 15 - PR
  • 2024 May 17 - PR
  • 2024 Apr 05 - Changes went live 2024 Apr 09, 13h10ET
    • black bumped from 21.10b0 to 24.3.0
    • typing-extensions bumped from to 4.0.1
    • click bumped from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0
  • 2024 Mar 19 - Changes went live 2024 Mar 22, 15h40ET
  • 2024 Mar 15, ~14h50ET
    • began running touch_all_chants to update all chants' incipit fields.
  • 2024 Mar 15 - Changes went live 2024 Mar 15, 14h45ET
    • added hook so chants' incipits will be automatically calculated upon chant save
    • changed Nginx configuration to have a default server that properly handles requests to the wrong domain, etc.
  • 2024 Mar 01 - Changes went live 2024 Mar 01, 15h00ET
    • volpiano-display-utilities bumped from version 1.1.1 to 1.1.2
  • 2024 Feb 27 - Changes went live 2024 Feb 27, 14h45ET
    • volpiano-display-utilities added as a dependency in requirements.txt
    • traffic to is now redirected to
    • http traffic to alternate subdomains is now redirected directly to (rather than through the https version of the alternate subdomain)
  • 2024 Feb 13 - Changes went live 2024 Feb 13, 11h00ET
    • Postgres configuration updated to optimize it for the particular VMs we're using (this change to the Postgres configuration had been specified in the code for a while, but before now, it was being rewritten during the building of our Docker containers)
    • Daily database backups beginning to be saved
    • In Nginx configuration, traffic to is now redirected to (making permanent the changes applied in the Jan 19 hotfix below)
  • 2024 Jan 19 - Apply hotfix to production to redirect traffic from to Request new https certificates via Lego (as opposed to Certbot, which we'd been using up to this point), and apply hotfix to remove certbot docker container and begin requesting certificate renewals via Lego. (as of Jan 19, both these changes are making their way along the develop-staging-production pipeline)
  • 2024 Jan 18 - In DNS settings, configured to resolve to the same IP address as
  • 2024 Jan 11 - changes went live 2024 Jan 11, 15h00ET
  • 2023 Dec 08 - changes went live 2023 Dec 8, 14h45ET
    • django-reversion added
  • 2023 Nov 24
    • urllib3 version bumped from 1.26.5 to 1.26.17
    • BaseChant.differentiae_new renamed to .differentiae_database
    • DifferentiaeDatabase model added
      • python add_differentiae was run to create the necessary differentiae
  • 2023 Oct 23
  • 2023 Sep 26
  • 2023 Sep 24
    • chants/sequences must have a source - begin enforcing this on the database level
  • 2023 Aug 30
  • 2023 Aug 14
    • Google Analytics tag added to all web pages
    • installed "unaccent" dictionary to Postgres
  • 2023 Aug 04
    • in docker-compose.yml, restart: always policy added for all containers
    • <meta name="robots" content="noindex"> removed from templates, allowing crawling by search engines
  • 2023 Jul 28 (no changelog actually present - see PR merged 2023 July 25, below)
    • Article model: timestamps automatically updated for date_created and date_updated
    • script added to sync Sources' date_created
    • migrations folder removed from .gitignore - we started including migrations in PRs following this point
  • 2023 Jul 25 (it seems these changes were not applied on the Production server until ~2023 July 28)
  • 2023 Jul 24 (milestone: launch of NewCantus)
  • 2023 Jul 20
  • 2023 Jul 18
  • 2023 Jun 20
    • Django Debug Toolbar configured to only be available in Development project environment
    • dummy users that had been created for Indexers were given unusable passwords
    • existing users, who had previously been given a set, insecure password, were given long, randomly-generated passwords
  • 2023 Jun 05
    • Django version bumped from 4.0.9 to 4.1.7
    • asgiref version bumped from 3.5.0 to 3.5.2
    • Django Debug Toolbar added
  • 2023 Feb 10
    • on BaseChant model, sequence field renamed s_sequence, and sequence_number field renamed c_sequence