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Yinan Zhou edited this page Sep 20, 2023 · 3 revisions


The Dashboard is a file system GUI for organizing uploaded files in Neon.

It can be broken down into the

  • model (src/Dashboard/FileSystem)
  • view (All the HTML elements)
  • controller (event listeners and logic in src/Dashboard/Dashboard.ts and referenced)

Naming schema


A Tile refers to the HTMLDivElement in the view that corresponds to an entry that the user can interact with (via opening, drag and dropping into a folder, right click, etc).


An Entry is referring to a file or folder in model.

A File is an uploaded resource meant to be opened in the Neon Editor.

A Folder is a folder in the dashboard file system that can contain other entries.

A Folio is a file that contains single page folio.

A Manuscript is a file that contains a multi-page manuscript.


FileSystem (model)

export interface IEntry {
  name: string;
  type: EntryType;
  id: string;
  children: IEntry[];
  metadata: { [key: string]: unknown };

export interface IFolder extends IEntry {
  type: EntryType.Folder;
  id: string;
  children: IEntry[];

export interface IFile extends IEntry {
  type: EntryType.File
  id: string;


  • The unique identifier for an entry is a generated uuid.
  • The metadata field contains any number of key-value pairs. A few of the current reserved keys are:
  • "type": "folio" or "manuscript"
  • "document": "sample". if present, indicates that the file is a non-user uploaded resource and how to open it in openFile() and openEditorTab()
  • "immutable": true. if present, indicated that the file is not to be deleted or moved depending on context.