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Ling-Xiao Yang edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 2 revisions

Detail API requires the specific UUID of the object, and its endpoint uses singular noun, such as /job/7938a064-736a-491b-9c96-20fe49e3b6c6/. We use UUID in order to reduce the possibility of collisions and avoid serial database keys.

Detail API supports the following HTTP verbs:

  • GET: retrieves all the fields of the object.
  • PATCH: updates selected fields of the object (if the object is editable). PUT method has similar functionalities but Rodan favours PATCH method as PUT requires all fields while PATCH simply requires the fields that need to be updated. (Note: the browsable API only allows PUT, not PATCH.)
  • DELETE: destroys the object (if the object is deletable). It returns 204 (NO CONTENT) if successful.

The PATCH request may return 400 (BAD REQUEST) if there are validation errors (see List API).

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