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Diva.js image viewer support

Alex Daigle edited this page Aug 1, 2017 · 12 revisions

If you are using Diva.js for viewing images, Rodan needs Graphics Magick and Kakadu to convert images in background, and IIP Server to serve images.

Graphics Magick

On ubuntu:

$> sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat

You should check out convert command, which should be from graphicsmagick, not imagemagick.

On Mac:

$> brew install graphicsmagick

After brew install, open rodan/, modify



BIN_CONVERT = "/path/to/gm convert"


If you have purchased Kakadu code, normally it should be good to follow Compiling_Instructions.txt to build the executables.

A special note for DDMAL's virtual machines: Compiler options for Kakadu v7.5.


On ubuntu: apt-get install libvips-tools. On Mac, follow this page: Install VIPS on Mac OS X.

IIP Server

Follow the following instructions to install IIP server, with Kakadu support: Important: please always compile IIP server from source to link Kakadu libraries to it.

To check installation, point the browser to http://SERVER_NAME/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi.

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