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Releases: DavidVujic/python-polylith

feat(poly check): calculate and print library version differences

18 Jul 08:15
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Compare library versions and report on differences.

This feature is added to the poly check command and is a behavour change of the command when using the --strict option.

Details in Pull Request #234

fix(poly diff): match changed files for chosen Polylith theme

13 Jul 08:49
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Fixing an issue with poly diff and when using the tdd theme.

Details in #232

fix(poetry plugin - poly check, poly libs): get distributions

12 Jul 08:10
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Get distributions data by using Poetry internals. This is used to resolve third-party dependencies in a proper way.

Details in Pull Request #231

fix(CLI poly check, poly libs): proper parse of third party lib names that contains extras

12 Jul 08:02
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fix: look for project files at the direct sub directory of the "projects" folder

04 Jul 11:25
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Looking for project-specific pyproject.toml files at a subdirectory one level down from the projects folder, to avoid any traversing of local .venv folders.

Details in #223

feat(poly check, poly libs): extract library names by parsing lock files

23 Jun 18:09
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The goal of the changes in this Pull Request is to have a more detailed and precise analysis of the third-party libraries used in the Polylith Workspace when using the CLI. Poetry plugin users already have this feature (the tool uses the underlying Poetry lock-file feature under the hood).

Details in Pull Request #220 and #221

feat(poly check, poly libs): include package distributions top namespace for known aliases

15 Jun 16:02
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Collect the top namespace for the package distributions.

This should make the poly check and poly libs more correct, when analyzing and reporting on third-party dependencies, and less need for the --alias option.

Details in Pull Request #219

fix: handle error when project name is missing

12 Jun 21:02
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Add the path to the failing project in the error message, to make it clearer where the error has happened.

Details in Pull Request #216

feat: Allow setting sorting options for git tags in diff command

06 Jun 11:14
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Adding the possibility to configure how git tags are fetched with the poly diff command.

Details in Pull Request #212

Thank you @mlups for making this improvement to the Polylith Python tool! 👏 ⭐

fix(poetry plugin): update lock files

27 May 18:07
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Update dependencies in lock-file.

Details in #211