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darthvader45 edited this page Mar 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Did you know that flint, when ground into dust, makes a extremely coarse powder that can be used to break softer blocks? A device that shoots out a concentrated stream of it would make for a excellent mining tool. To wit:

A full quartz casing ensures that none of the dust escapes over time, making this device possible. With the typical double-piston design and a tank for the flint dust this creates a ranged mining tool that pretty much instantly drops whatever it hits.

Mind, though: It’s not strong enough to get through the tougher blocks, like various ores, but maybe that can be remedied in the future. Flint, held in a simple wooden box.

Reloading is done by filling the ground flint into the fuel slot. I made this process easier by designing the holding boxes so they snap right onto the opening.

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