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Releases: DrylandEcology/STEPWAT2


26 Aug 18:52
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This release contains multiple enhancements to STEPWAT2:

  • Cheatgrass driven wildfire can now be selected as a disturbance regime.
  • Space has been reincorporated into the program.
  • Biomass and relative size measurements are more accurate thanks to just-in-time calculations.
  • The maximum number of species and resource groups is now specified in inputs instead of hard-coded.
  • Soil water values are now generated exclusively using SOILWAT2. No more '-s' flag.

And some bug fixes:

  • Compiler warnings have been resolved.
  • Species no longer live past their maximum age.
  • SXW plant types now match SOILWAT2 plant types exactly.
  • Bugs within the Markov weather generator have been resolved.
  • Bugs with annual species have been addressed.


06 Nov 16:23
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This release implements multiple changes to resource partitioning in SOILWAT.

  • Resource allocation to individuals overhauled.
  • Extra growth calculated in very wet years
  • Grazing now occurs on extra growth and normal growth.
  • Additional transpired water is distributed in years where transpiration is very low, for example fire years.
  • Random number generation now uses the PCG RNG inside of SOILWAT2.

STEPWAT2 Model Description (Palmquist et al. 2018 Ecosphere)

06 Jul 18:13
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Incorporates all enhancements described for STEPPE and SOILWAT2 in Palmquist et al. 2018 Ecosphere.


30 May 23:39
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Annual establishment overhaul. Merged in annual_final branch.

Annual establishment is now based on a random draw from the beta distribution. Add additional functionality: seed mortality of seed as it ages and seed removal from the seedbank of germinated individuals.

Overhaul of annual establishment complete #107


06 Apr 22:21
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Overhaul output format
Update available soil water calculations