We set up Raspberry Pi and L298N H bridge. In carControl.py, we use L298N to control move direction when running the car. Here is how H bridge works:
In4 In3 In2 In1 Function 0 0 0 0 Stop/Free Wheel 0 0 0 1 Motor 1 Forward 0 0 1 0 Motor 1 Reverse 0 0 1 1 Motor 1 Brake 0 1 0 0 Motor 2 Forward 1 0 0 0 Motor 2 Reverse 1 1 0 0 Motor 2 Brake
We configured picamera and gathered images from road. camera.py is the file to control pi camera, the camera is capable of capturing a sequence of images extremely rapidly by utilizing its video-capture capabilities with a JPEG encoder. Here is the reference
In collect.pyfile, we imported pygame to control toy car when keyboard is pressed. We took it as a thread, since we need to capture images as well as drive car in the same time. Therefore, in capture.py, we implemented muti-threading program to let two models work together. At each time step, camera would save files to directory with direction we made as label.
folder /photos is images we captured after running capture.py. As you can see, there are over 1,000 images showing paths and their corresponding direction. We used these images as dataset to train neutral network.
- This week, we first installed Keras and Tensorflow library with their dependencies. In order to be familiar with how Keras works, we worked on the official datasets MNIST database of handwritten digits.The folder /Practice_with_handWriting_Dataset includes the model we bulit and the returned trained model.
- In this week, we first manully removed some datasets with bad quality, here "bad quality" represents ambiguity of path or no path shown in captured photos. Then we use Keras to build CNN network. There are two types of models in Keras, most people would like to use the Sequential model where we added some 2D convolution layers along with dropout layers to prevent overfitting,implemented flatten layer and dense layer as the final layer to output the trained model. Every time we input an image, trained model would help us to predict an output array with different rate on serveral directions, the highest ranked direction is the most possible way car should run compared with the actual running condition. You can check our trained model in folder (Trained_Model)[https://github.com/BUConnectedWorld/Group12/tree/master/Trained_Model] , all the trained models are saved as .h5 format. Besides, the CNN network we built can also be found in this folder.
- We tested our CNN model this week, please click the photo to see video demo.
In week6 and 7 we worked on our website. We built a frontend websites using React.js and applied Socket.io to communicate with Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi here is worked as server side, by emitting and subscribe event, browser could talk with Pi and control it to run Keras model. web folder contains components of React, api folder contains server side node.js code. Here is how our websites work!
In week6 and 7 we worked on our website. We built a frontend websites using React.js and applied Socket.io to communicate with Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi here is worked as server side, by emitting and subscribe event, browser could talk with Pi and control it to run Keras model. web folder contains components of React, api folder contains server side node.js code.]
In week6 and 7 we worked on our website. We built a frontend websites using React.js and applied Socket.io to communicate with Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi here is worked as server side, by emitting and subscribe event, browser could talk with Pi and control it to run Keras model. web folder contains components of React, api folder contains server side node.js code.
- We tested our deep learning model and implemented authentication login and logout using firebase.