Browser library v15.2.0
Browser is a web testing library for Robot Framework that utilizes the Playwright tool internally. Browser library 15.2.0 is a new release with:
- Improved Scope Stack [usable for plugins]
- Added Scope to Show Keyword Banner and Register Keyword To Run On Failure
- Improved code completion when used from python
- Improved logging when returned values contain non-printable characters
- Use the Get Style keyword with pseudo-elements and all avaiable css attributes
- New PythonLibCore used to enable Listern in Plugins
- Fixed some bugs in Record Selector keyword
- Playwright 1.30.0
See the full Release Notes 15.2.0 for more details.
All issues targeted for Browser library v15.2.0 can be found from the issue tracker.
Browser library 15.2.0 was released on Wednesday February 1, 2023. Browser supports Python 3.7+, Node 14/16/18 LTS and Robot Framework 5.0.1+. Library was tested with Playwright 1.30.0