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Takuro Fujino edited this page Jun 4, 2024 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the AFTViewer wiki!


Any File Type Viewer (AFTViewer) is a CUI/TUI tool made by Python to view any kind of packaged, archived, or binary files.


usage: aftviewer [-h] [--version] [-t TYPE] file

show the constitution of a file. Supported file types ... hdf5, pickle, numpy,
np_pickle, tar, zip, sqlite3, raw_image, jupyter, xpm, stl, fits. To see the
detailed help of each type, type 'aftviewer help -t TYPE'.

positional arguments:
  file                  input file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -V         show program's version number and exit
  -t TYPE, --type TYPE  specify the file type. Available types are hdf5,
                        pickle, numpy, np_pickle, tar, zip, sqlite3,
                        raw_image, jupyter, xpm, stl, fits. "aftviewer help -t
                        TYPE" will show the detailed help.

AFTViewer has some subcommands, 'aftviewer help -t TYPE' shows detailed help,
'aftviewer update' run the update command of AFTViewer, 'aftviewer
config_list' shows the current optional configuration, 'aftviewer
shell_completion --bash >> ~/.bashrc' or 'aftviewer shell_completion --zsh >>
~/.zshrc' set the completion script for bash/zsh.


The basic process of this software is designed to work with standard libraries of recent Python3.
To show some kinds of files, external libraries are required.


The following libraries are not always necessary but are useful if available.

To show images, imaging-related libraries (Currently supporting libraries are PIL (Pillow), Matplotlib, or OpenCV) or shell commands (e.g. "open" in macOS) with supporting bitmap (.bmp) files are required.


pip command is available.

python -m pip install git+

or in Windows OS,

py -m pip install git+

If you want to install all modules used in AFTViewer,

python -m pip install "aftviewer[all] @ git+"
# or
py -m pip install "aftviewer[all] @ git+"
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