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Takuro Fujino edited this page Jul 16, 2024 · 10 revisions


This page explain how to customize the AFTViewer command.


You can change some default values by creating setting.json file. If AFTViewer find $XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable, the path is $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/aftviewer/setting.json. Otherwise the path is ~/.config/aftviewer/setting.json.

Sample: sample.json
Default values: default.json


This json file should contain one dictionary. The keys of this dictionary are "additional_types", "config", "colors", and names of file type.
The details are following.


type: dictionary
A dictionary to define the additional supporting types and their extension of files. A module name of an additional type is the key name of the dictionary, and the value is the string of extensions with separated by space. e.g. "png_sample": "png jpeg jpg".
Note that you need to put the additional module in the lib/viewers directory. See the Extension page for detail.


type: dictionary
This key define basic configuration values. The items that can be set are as follows.


type: string/null
The name of the method to show images. The treatment of this option is the same as the command-line argument (-iv). If "PIL", "matplotlib", or "cv2" are set, use, matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(), or cv2.imshow() respectively. If another string is given, it is treated as a shell command. The detailed behavior of this shell command can be set by the "iv_exec_cmd" option. If null is set, search the possible modules from "PIL", "matplotlib", and "cv2". If the image viewer is specified in both the json file and a command-line argument, the command-line argument is applied.


type: string/null
This is the same as "image_viewer", but used when opening a file with CUI mode. If both "image_viewer" and "image_viewer_cui" are set, the value of "image_viewer_cui" is used in CUI mode and that of "image_viewer" is used in other cases. If this option is not set and "image_viewer" is set, the value of "image_viewer" is used in CUI mode and other cases. This option is useful when a shell command is set in "image_viewer" since a shell command is not supported in CUI mode.


type: list of string
Arguments used when the shell command is specified as the image viewer. Some special keywords are available; "%c" and "%s". "%c" is replaced by the command (image viewer). "%s" is replaced by the file path of the image. These arguments are passed to the function after replacement. Note that the file path does not necessarily match the file path given in the command line. In some types, an image file is extracted in a temporary directory.


type: string/null
A command called when opening a file with a system command. In interactive_cui mode, you can open a file with the system (shell) command through the function by shift+↓ key. If set to null, "start", "open" or "xdg-open" is set in Windows OS, macOS, and Linux OS respectively.


type: list of string
A setting to control the behavior when opening a file in interactive_cui mode. This setting can specify the command and arguments of that. Arguments used when opening a file with system command in interactive_cui mode. "%c" and "%s" are replaced like "iv_exec_cmd" case.


type: dictionary
A dictionary passed to the pprint.pprint() or pprint.pformat() functions as a keyword arguments. Please see Python document for available options.


type: bool
If true, show the line number in the main window of CUI mode.


type: bool
If true, texts in the main window of CUI mode are wrapped to display.


type: dictionary
This key defines color settings for basic functions. Each color type takes two values; the first one is the foreground color and the second one is the background color. You can use these colors;
'k' (Black), 'r' (Red), 'g' (Green), 'y' (Yellow), 'b' (Blue), 'c' (Cyan), 'm' (Magenta), 'w' (White), 0-255 (terminal 256 colors if supported), or None (not set)
The items that can be set are as follows.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of error messages.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of warning messages.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color used to show key names.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color of "current path:" text in the interactive mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color of "contents in this dict:" text in the interactive mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color of "output::" text in the interactive mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of the main window of the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of the top window of the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of the left side bar of the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of error messages of the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color to highlight found word in the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of file information (line number etc.) of the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of index number of directories in side bar of the CUI mode.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
Color of index number of files in side bar of the CUI mode.

file-type specified options

file-type specified options are also configurable. By default, "pickle", "numpy", "jupyter", and "hdf5" are set.



type: string
The encoding used to load the pickle file. If you mainly use pickle files made by Python2 script, please set "latin1". This option is overwritten by the '--encoding' command-line option.



type: dictionary
A dictionary to specify the NumPy print format. This dictionary is passed through to the numpy.set_printoptions() directly as a keyword argument. Please see the NumPy document for available options.



type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color to highlight input index in jupyter file.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color to highlight output index in jupyter file.


type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color to highlight cell type in jupyter file.


type: bool
If true, show (current index)/(number of cells) at the cell number line.



type: [int/character/null, int/character/null]
color to highlight attributes of data in hdf5 file.



type: matplotlib or plotly
module to display STL file. Currently "matplotlib" or "plotly" is supported.


type: null/string
face color of the displayed model. Since this parameter is used in both Matplotlib and Plotly, available values are limited. null, full-color code (#xxxxxx), or color name (black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, or yellow) is available.


type: null/string
edge color of the displayed model. This is only used in Matplotlib. The available value is the same as "facecolors".