Project of sensor fusion
- Introduction
- Pre-Requisites
- Installing and running
- Testing
- Input
- Output
- Where to find (For developers)
This software can calculate a single and weighted value from your input data which include many sensors values. And the value generated by the algorithm is representative of the correct raw data, which means there are some wrong measures in raw data.
Carleton University
Kai Xia @Monbert
Hui Tang @htang085
- /bin (it will be automatically created when program is executed)
- /build (it will be automatically created when program is executed)
- /data
- /input/inputdata.csv
- /output/outputdata.xls
- /doc
- Software_documentation.pdf
- /include
- algorithm.h
- data.h
- /src
- algorithm.c
- data.c
- main.c
- /test
- data/inputdata.csv
- src/main.c
- makefile
Details information about file organization can be found in doc/Software_documentation.pdf
Platform compatibility: Mac OS 10.12.6, Linux Ubuntu 18.04, Windows 10
- GNU packages (make, cmake)
- gcc compiler
Step 1 : Download the whole project
Step 2 : cd to this project location in the terminal
Step 3 : clean residual files -- terminal command "make clean"
Step 4 : compile all files -- terminal command "make all"
Step 5 : run the executable file -- terminal command "make run"
Here we prepare two set of sensor data to test functions, comparing expected results and actual results to tell the function PASS or FAIL in the part of testing.
Step 1 : cd to this project location in the terminal
Step 2 : clean residual files -- terminal command "make clean"
Step 3 : compile all files used in testing-- terminal command "make test"
Step 4 : run the executable testing file -- terminal command "make run_test"
Step 5 : input 1 or 2 in terminal, then press enter
Input is stored in /data/input/inputdata.csv. In order to have different results of output, please change different input values of set of sensor data to compute, then save and name it as data/input/inputdate.csv
Details about format of input was showed in doc/Software_documentation.pdf
The output is stored and showed in an output folder /data/output/outputdata.xls
Details about format of output was showed in doc/Software_documentation.pdf
Software Design Diagram
Details of Function Implementation
Coding Convention
Code Comments Rules
Those details for developers can be found in doc/Software_documentation.pdf