🌱 I’m currently learning Go,Docker,TypeScript
💬 Ask me about NodeJs,Mongodb,Machine Learning, NLP
📫 How to reach me neerajjm12345@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
🌱 I’m currently learning Go,Docker,TypeScript
💬 Ask me about NodeJs,Mongodb,Machine Learning, NLP
📫 How to reach me neerajjm12345@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
A repository to keep track of problem solving practice, containing solutions from Codeforces
PlaceIndia a one Stop website to help reduce unemployment and solve all queries regarding placement
Jupyter Notebook
A Field Sales tracker to help optimize on cost and travel route.
JavaScript 3
An application which uses Machine Learning and Deep Learning models to predict the health of a person
Jupyter Notebook 4