This repository is for the project for the 24-Hour Hackathon conducted by QUBIT,Microsoft Innovations Club and E-Cell.
- Getting Started
- Problem Statment
- About the Problem
- Components
- Prototype
- Flow Diagram
- Submissions
- Authors
|-- Main
| |-- .DS_Store
| |-- .gitignore
| |-- index.js
| |-- package-lock.json
| |-- package.json
| |-- utils.js
|-- gmap
| |-- .gitignore
| |--
| |-- package-lock.json
| |-- package.json
| |-- public
| | |-- favicon.png
| | |-- index.html
| |-- src
| | |-- actions
| | | |-- index.js
| | | |-- types.js
| | |-- components
| | | |-- App.js
| | | |-- app.css
| | | |-- mapbox
| | | | |-- Map.css
| | | | |-- Map.js
| | |-- icons
| | | |-- closeIcon.png
| | | |-- onlineIcon.png
| | |-- index.js
| | |-- reducers
| | | |-- authReducer.js
| | | |-- index.js
| | |-- setupProxy.js
Sales Chatbot
|-- images
| |-- sensim.png
| |-- senteval10.png
|-- src
| |-- .idea
| | |-- .gitignore
| | |-- inspectionProfiles
| | | |-- profiles_settings.xml
| | |-- misc.xml
| | |-- modules.xml
| | |-- src.iml
| | |-- vcs.xml
| |-- __pycache__
| | |-- faqengine.cpython-36.pyc
| | |-- faqengine.cpython-39.pyc
| |--
| |-- data
| | |-- BankFAQs.csv
| | |-- BoulderCity FAQs.xlsx
| | |-- GST FAQs 1.csv
| | |-- GST FAQs 2.csv
| | |-- GST FAQs 3.csv
| | |-- GSTFAQs.csv
| | |-- Greetings.csv
| | |-- dataset.csv
| | |-- dataset.csv.xls
| | |--
| | |--
| | |-- sectoral-faq.csv
| |-- environment.yml
| |--
| |--
| |-- static
| | |-- css
| | | |-- chat_interface.css
| | | |-- style.css
| | | |-- style.css~
| | | |-- temporary.css
| | |-- js
| | | |-- bind.js
| | | |-- jquery.timeago.js
| |-- templates
| | |-- base.html
| | |-- home.html
| |-- vectorizers
| | |--
| | |-- __pycache__
| | | |-- __init__.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- __init__.cpython-39.pyc
| | | |-- bertgenerator.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- doc2vecgenerator.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- doc2vecgenerator.cpython-39.pyc
| | | |-- factory.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- factory.cpython-39.pyc
| | | |-- spacysent2vecgenerator.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- spacysent2vecgenerator.cpython-39.pyc
| | | |-- tfidfvectorgenerator.cpython-36.pyc
| | | |-- tfidfvectorgenerator.cpython-39.pyc
| | |--
| | |--
| | |--
| | |-- models
| | | |-- tfidf.pkl
| | |--
| | |--
|-- config
| |-- db.js
|-- controllers
| |-- chatBotController.js
| |-- cookieCheckerController.js
| |-- taksController.js
| |-- userController.js
|-- middleware
| |-- authMiddleware.js
| |-- cookieVerify.js
| |-- errorMiddleware.js
|-- models
| |-- tasksModel.js
| |-- userModel.js
|-- routes
| |-- chatBotRoutes.js
| |-- taskRoute.js
| |-- userRoutes.js
|-- server.js
|-- utils
| |-- generateToken.js
|-- .gitignore
|-- package-lock.json
|-- package.json
|-- public
| |-- favicon.ico
| |-- index.html
| |-- logo192.png
| |-- logo512.png
| |-- manifest.json
| |-- robots.txt
|-- src
| |-- App.css
| |-- App.js
| |-- Morganite-Bold.woff
| |-- actions
| | |-- orderAction.js
| | |-- userActions.js
| |-- assets
| | |-- KRETRA.svg
| | |-- Slider.css
| | |-- SliderData.js
| | |-- avator.svg
| | |-- avatorDown.svg
| | |-- big.svg
| | |-- cart.svg
| | |-- cartBackground.svg
| | |-- dashArrow.svg
| | |-- dashboardBackground.svg
| | |-- downArrow.svg
| | |-- dropdown.svg
| | |-- left.svg
| | |-- navbar.css
| | |-- ratingstart.svg
| | |-- recomHero.svg
| | |-- right.svg
| | |-- signIn.svg
| | |-- small.svg
| | |-- tyre.png
| | |-- tyre.svg
| |-- bootstrap.min (2).css
| |-- components
| | |-- ButtonMailto.js
| | |-- Footer.js
| | |-- FormContainer.js
| | |-- Header.js
| | |-- Images
| | | |-- Group.svg
| | | |-- bg.svg
| | | |-- logo.svg
| | | |-- project_3.svg
| | | |-- project_4.svg
| | | |-- project_5.svg
| | | |-- project_6.svg
| | | |-- project_7.svg
| | | |-- project_8.svg
| | |-- Loader.js
| | |-- Message.js
| | |-- SalesPersonScreen.js
| | |-- SearchBox.js
| | |-- Slider.js
| | |-- button.css
| | |-- button.js
| | |-- components.css
| |-- constants
| | |-- userConstants.js
| |-- index.css
| |-- index.js
| |-- products.js
| |-- reducers
| | |-- userReducers.js
| |-- screens
| | |-- DashboardScreen.js
| | |-- LandingHomeScreen.css
| | |-- LoginScreen.js
| | |-- MainHome.js
| | |-- ProfileScreen.js
| | |-- RecomScreen.js
| | |-- RegisterScreen.js
| | |-- Screen.css
| | |-- TasksList.js
| | |-- USerEditScreen.js
| | |-- UserInfo.js
| | |-- UserListScreen.js
| |-- store.js
| |-- tailwind.css
| |-- utils
| | |-- Alert.js
Track Field Employee Movement
- Design a Field Sales tracker to help optimize on cost and travel route.
- Fintech companies have agents on the field to visit customers for servicing or adding new customers to their portfolio.
- The Field Agents have to be on the field all day long visiting customers, so can use this data to optimize his travel route
- Design a system by which the company can track the movement of the Field Agent.
- The System should be mobile compatible, picks up the geo coordinates of the device at periodic intervals.
- System should provide a route map with the distance covered everyday.
- For the purpose of the hackathon, you can assume that the field sales personnel travels to five different locations in a day.
- He spends x amount of time in each location with customer discussing business.
- The output required is distance travelled, and time spent in each of the locations
It is divided into three modules
- Interactive Routing System
- Sales Chatbot
- Web Application
The Interactive Routing System consists of an Interactive Map
It also Contains the Optimization of Time and Cost using Bitmasking Recrusive algorithm
This section is completely optional. Add additional notes about how to deploy this on a live system