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Combined peptide reports

Sarah Haynes edited this page Jan 19, 2021 · 1 revision

Contents of each column in a combined_peptide.tsv report are described here. Each row is a peptide sequence identified in the experiment.

Sequence peptide amino acid sequence, any modifications not included ('stripped' peptide sequence)

Charge States all observed charge states for the peptide in the experiment

Probability peptide-level confidence score determined by PeptideProphet, higher values indicate greater confidence

Assigned Modifications all variable modifications of the peptide found in the experiment, each listed by mass in Da with modified residue and location within the peptide sequence

Gene gene name of the protein corresponding to the identified peptide sequence; this will be from the selected razor protein if the peptide maps to multiple proteins

Protein protein sequence header corresponding to the identified peptide sequence; this will be the selected razor protein if the peptide maps to multiple proteins (in this case, other mapped proteins are listed in the 'Mapped Proteins' column)

Protein ID protein identifier (primary accession number) for the selected protein

Protein Description name of the selected protein

<sample> Spectral Count count of peptide-spectrum matches (PSMs) in the sample that support the peptide identification

<sample> Intensity summed precursor intensities of supporting PSMs