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Protein reports

Felipe Leprevost edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 2 revisions

Column contents in the protein.tsv output file are described below:

Group protein group number

SubGroup protein subgroup identifier

Protein protein sequence header

Protein ID UniProt protein identifier (primary accession number)

Entry Name protein entry name

Gene gene name

Length number of residues in protein sequence

Percent Coverage percent of protein sequence observed

Organism species of identified protein

Protein Description protein name

Protein Existence type of evidence that supports the existence of the protein

Protein Probability confidence score determined by ProteinProphet

Top Peptide Probability best peptide probability of supporting peptides

Stripped Peptides total number of unique stripped (unmodified) sequences in support of the protein

Total Peptide Ions total number of peptide ions (including modifications) in support of the protein

Unique Peptide Ions number of peptide ions (including modifications) that do not map to other identified proteins

Razor Peptide Ions total number of peptides ions (including modifications) in support of the protein identification

Total Spectral Count total number of PSMs in support of the protein

Unique Spectral Count total number of PSMs that do not map to other identified proteins

Razor Spectral Count total number of PSMs in support of the protein identification

Total Intensity sum of all (unique+razor) peptide abundances

Unique Intensity sum of peptide abundances (only those that do not map to another identified protein)

Razor Intensity sum of PSM abundances from razor peptides

Razor Assigned Modifications sum of PSM abundances from razor peptides containing variable modifications

Razor Observed Modifications sum of PSM abundances from razor peptides containing modifications from Delta Mass values

Indistinguishable Proteins proteins that are equally supported by the evidence and cannot be distinguished from the identification in the 'Protein' column

(additional columns for TMT/iTRAQ experiments, each contains relative reporter ion abundances)