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Niall Lindsay edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Troubleshooting issues.

If you are experiencing any issues, please check for:

  • Plugin conflicts (Other scoreboard plugins e.g HealthBar)
  • Unsupported versions (KiteBoard supports 1.7 - 1.13.2)
  • Reflection versions (Are you a version lower than 1.8?)

Reflection updates

In the event of a Minecraft update, depending on the changes, you may need to wait until a newer version of KiteBoard is released to support certain features, the scoreboard should remain working.

API Changing updates

Sometimes, changes in the API of Spigot and CraftBukkit may be changed, It may then be necessary to wait for a new release of KiteBoard with appropriate changes.

Reporting an issue or bug

Please ensure you provide a link or screenshot to the output returned by /kb debug
Its recommended to contact me via SpigotPM. You may also contact me via discord. Attach a copy of relevant files related to the issue if appropriate (e.g if the problem is with configuring, upload the configuration file)