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User management and privileges

Adrien Castex edited this page Jun 2, 2017 · 1 revision

User management

The user management is get through an instance of the class IUserManager which provide users of the class IUser.

A IUserManager class must contains the following public fields :

interface IUserManager
    getUserByName(name : string, callback : (error : Error, user : IUser) => void)
    getDefaultUser(callback : (user : IUser) => void)
    getUsers(callback : (error : Error, users : IUser[]) => void)

A IUser class must contains the following public fields :

interface IUser
    uid : string
    isAdministrator : boolean
    isDefaultUser : boolean
    password : string
    username : string

The IUserManager class can get a user by name ; it can get the list of all users ; and it can get the default user.

The default user is the user which is given to an unauthentication user. This way, an unauthenticated user will have the privileges of the default user. If the server's option requireAuthentification equals true, the default user will not be used.

Thanks to the server's option userManager, the user manager can be set with a custom instance. This way, you can create a user manager which, for instance, retrieve its users from a database.


The privileges of a user upon a resource is defined by the instance of the interface IPrivilegeManager provided in the server's option privilegeManager. This object provides a list of methods to tell the server that a resource is accessible by a user or if it is not.

Here is the interface IPrivilegeManager :

interface IPrivilegeManager
    canCreate : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canDelete : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canMove : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canRename : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canAppend : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canWrite : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canRead : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canSource : PrivilegeManagerMethod  // Allow to access to the source
                                        // of a resource when it is
                                        // requested by the 'source' header
    canGetMimeType : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetSize : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canListLocks : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canSetLock : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canRemoveLock : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetAvailableLocks : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetLock : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canAddChild : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canRemoveChild : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetChildren : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canSetProperty : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetProperty : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetProperties : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canRemoveProperty : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetCreationDate : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetLastModifiedDate : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetWebName : PrivilegeManagerMethod
    canGetType : PrivilegeManagerMethod

With :

type PrivilegeManagerCallback = (error : Error, hasAccess : boolean) => void;
type PrivilegeManagerMethod = (arg : MethodCallArgs, resource : IResource, callback : PrivilegeManagerCallback) => void

The request relative information (the user, the request, etc) are in the arg parameter.

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