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Releases: Source2ZE/CS2Fixes


21 Feb 15:05
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  • Added dual addon mounting (#188)
    Severs can use this to ship a separate content addon to players (for server-specific player models, sounds, particles, etc)
    This comes with 2 cvars:
cs2f_extra_addon         ""    // The workshop ID of an extra addon to mount and send to clients
cs2f_extra_addon_timeout 10    // How long in seconds until clients are timed out in between connects for the extra addon, requires cs2f_extra_addon to be used
  • Added the KeyValues custom input to all entities (#192)
    This behaves exactly like AddOutput did in source1 and can be used when porting maps that rely heavily on it.
  • Fixed an occasional crash with blast damage.
  • Fixed pushes with prop_physics (#191)
  • [ZR] Fixed items being stripped when the holder is infected.
  • [ZR] Fixed !ztele/mother zombie teleport randomly breaking on some maps (#194)


13 Feb 04:02
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  • Updated signatures for 2024-02-12 CS2 update (#187)


11 Feb 19:49
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  • Added user preferences system, currently has a REST backend (#152)
  • Added !help command (#175)
  • Added fix for lag compensation crash with env_entity_maker (#174)
  • Fixed breakage from recent CS2 updates (#182)
  • Fixed RTV/extend votes being available when they shouldn't have been (#183)
  • Fixed timers breaking after 73 hours of uptime
  • Added flashlight
  • Removed cheat flag from some bot cvars
  • Added @spec targeting
  • Added admin !beacon command
  • Fixed infinite reserve ammo breaking grenades in some configs
  • Moved infinite reserve ammo into the main plugin, no longer ZR-specific
  • [ZR] Added !zclass command (#152)
  • [ZR] Added disabling of automatic respawn
  • [ZR] Removed vertical knockback from molotovs
  • [ZR] Added !infect and !revive commands
  • Added the following "cvars":
cs2f_fix_lag_comp_crash			0		// Whether to fix lag compensation crash with env_entity_maker
cs2f_flashlight_enable			0		// Whether to enable flashlights
cs2f_admin_beacon_particle		"particles/testsystems/test_cross_product.vpcf" // Particle file to be used for admin beacon
cs2f_infinite_reserve_ammo		0		// Whether to enable infinite reserve ammo on weapons

// Flashlight settings
cs2f_flashlight_shadows			1		// Whether to enable flashlight shadows
cs2f_flashlight_distance		54		// How far flashlights should be from the player's head (the default is such that an equipped awp doesn't block the light if shadows are enabled)
cs2f_flashlight_attachment		axis_of_intent	// Which attachment to parent a flashlight to

// User preferences settings
cs2f_user_prefs_api				""		// User Preferences REST API endpoint


13 Jan 20:36
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  • Fixed several SteamID authentication issues (#138)
  • Added a map vote system (#136)
  • Added a gamesystem implementation, and used it for precaching (#144)
  • Fixed a crash when targeting a disconnected client (#158)
  • Add console chat timers (#153)
  • Fixed server lag when the server is full on a map with nav (#159)
  • Added Zombie:Reborn (#154)
  • Added a patch to allow spawning a bot without a nav mesh present (#160)
  • Added the following "cvars":
cs2f_trigger_timer_enable		0		// Whether to process countdown messages said by Console (e.g. Hold for 10 seconds) and append the round time where the countdown resolves
cs2f_block_nav_lookup			0		// Whether to block navigation mesh lookup, improves server performance but breaks bot navigation
cs2f_vote_maps_cooldown			10		// Number of maps to wait until a map can be voted / nominated again i.e. cooldown.
cs2f_vote_max_nominations		10		// Number of nominations to include per vote, out of a maximum of 10.

// Zombie:Reborn settings
zr_enable						0		// Whether to enable ZR features
zr_knockback_scale				5.0		// Global knockback scale
zr_infect_spawn_type			1		// Type of Mother Zombies Spawn [0 = MZ spawn where they stand, 1 = MZ get teleported back to spawn on being picked]
zr_infect_spawn_time_min		15		// Minimum time in which Mother Zombies should be picked, after round start
zr_infect_spawn_time_max		15		// Maximum time in which Mother Zombies should be picked, after round start
zr_infect_spawn_mz_ratio			7		// Ratio of all Players to Mother Zombies to be spawned at round start
zr_infect_spawn_mz_min_count	1		// Minimum amount of Mother Zombies to be spawned at round start
zr_respawn_delay				5.0		// Time before a zombie is respawned
zr_default_winner_team			1		// Which team wins when time ran out [1 = Draw, 2 = Zombies, 3 = Humans]
zr_infinite_ammo				1		// Whether to enable infinite reserve ammo on weapons
zr_mz_immunity_reduction		20		// How much mz immunity to reduce for each player per round (0-100)
zr_ztele_max_distance 			150.0	// Maximum distance players are allowed to move after starting ztele
zr_ztele_allow_humans 			0		// Whether to allow humans to use ztele


14 Dec 08:31
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  • Overhauled the weapon buy system (#121)
  • Fixed filtering in the push fix
  • Added hit counter and kill counter to TopDefender (#128)
  • Fixed rare cases of authentication running on already ban cases (hopefully)
  • Renamed rtv toggle commands to enablertv and disablertv like in sourcemod (#133)
  • Fixed gamedata offsets for the 2023-12-13 CS2 update (#135)
  • Added the following "cvars":
cs2f_movement_unlocker_enable	0		// Whether to enable movement unlocker
cs2f_votemanager_enable				1		// Whether to enable votemanager features such as RTV and extends


25 Nov 08:39
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  • Fixed a regression that caused the infractions file to not save when there are no infractions in memory.
  • Fixed release zip structure, now it should include all files for both platforms.
  • !map will attempt to load a map from the current workshop collection (NOTE: There is no immediate feedback as it doesn't know whether the requested map exists)
  • The push fix will ignore push triggers with the "Push OnStartTouch" flag.
  • Added Discord webhook API
  • Added the following "cvars":
cs2f_block_all_dmg               0    // Whether to block all damage to players
cs2f_hide_teammates_only         0    // Whether to hide teammates only
cs2f_rtv_endround                0    // Whether to immediately end the round when RTV succeeds


17 Nov 07:25
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