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Thomas MIllard edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 3 revisions


The framework is made up of two different scenes, the user will enter on the menu and then from there would be able to get to the game level.


key features:

  • HLSL
  • Phong and Gouraud shading
  • A skybox using cube mapping
  • OBJ file loader
  • DDS file loader
  • Picking
  • simple movement
  • multiple cameras: static cameras, first-person cameras, and third-person cameras
  • Json File loader useing nlohmann json parser


Menu: Click on one of the words which are textured boxes to enter or exit the application. The two clickable objects allow for the user to play and exit the application. There are also multiple cameras to allow the user to see the box from different viewpoints. These cameras are all static. Controls:

  • LMB-Click on object
  • Numpad 0- Change to camera 0
  • Numpad 1- Change to camera 1
  • Numpad 2- Change to camera 2
  • Numpad 3- Change to camera 3
  • Numpad 4- Change to camera 4

Game Level: Control the tank to move around the level. There are three different cameras within this level. The fist allows the user to follow the tank in third person and the second allows the user to follow the tank in first person. The last camera allows for the user to fly around the level with a free cam. Controls:

  • Up- move object along z-axis
  • Down- move object along z-axis
  • Left- rotate object to the left
  • Right- rotate the object to the right
  • Insert- move the object along the x-axis
  • Delete- move the object along the x-axis
  • Numpad 0-change to a third-person camera
  • Numpad 1-change to the first-person camera
  • Numpad 2-change to free cam

Free cam controls:

  • Up- move up the z-axis
  • Down- move down the z-axis
  • Left- strafe left on x axis
  • Right-strafe right on x axis
  • Insert-rotate camera left
  • Delete- rotate camera right
  • Home - rotate camera up
  • End – rotate camera down
  • Numpad 9- move up on the y axis
  • Numpad 8- move down on the y axis
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