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Thomas MIllard edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 3 revisions


This engine is to do more with phyiscs of a application this uses a Particle (point mass) physics model and a Rigid body physics model.


Sem2 key features:

  • Physics- incudeing: partical physics for object movement and rigid body physics for rotations
  • partical physics uses:
    • Velocity
    • Accerlation
    • Drag- Laminar and Turbulent
    • Friction
    • net force accumlatior
    • other forces such a gravity and thrust
  • simple Colition detection
  • collition responce
  • Partical system with rain and smoke
  • Terrrain genration useing a hight map
  • Input class using win32 messaging system
  • built with desening patternes



  • 1- start collision test 1(cube hitting angled plane)
  • 2- start collision test 2(two cubes moving into each other)

Object controls:

  • W-thrust object 1 up
  • A-thrust object 1 left
  • S- thrust object 1 down
  • D- thrust object 1 right
  • Q-stop object 1 thrust

Camera Controls:

  • Up- move the camera forward
  • Down- move the camera back
  • Left- move the camera left
  • Right-move camera right

Mouse controls:

  • Left mouse button- rotate the camera
  • Right mouse button- select object
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