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Akash Kollipara edited this page Oct 29, 2022 · 4 revisions

Chapter 3 - Abbreviations and terms in CC

With the creation of new framework, new terms are introduced. Following table accumulates all the terms

Shortform Abbreviation Note
CC CyanCore Name of framework
ecall Environment CALL an asm instruction to switch execution modes
mcall Machine CALL call to jump to machine mode
m-mode Machine MODE an exception level/execution layer
h-mode Hypervisor MODE an exception level/execution layer
bs-mode Background Supervisor MODE h-mode sometimes is called as bs-mode
s-mode Supervisor MODE an exception level/execution layer
t-visor TerraVISOR Term coined for CC to infer to lowest software layer running on metal
smc Secure Monitor Call same as mcall
hvc HyperVisor Call same as mcall
svc superVisor Call same as mcall
ccfs CyanCore File System New FS for Cyancore framework
DS Data Structure A data storage method to store and organize data
dp Device Properties DS for storing hardware info
sp Software Properties DS for storing software info

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