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Getting Started

Akash Kollipara edited this page Jul 20, 2024 · 27 revisions


  • Linux machine or Windows with wsl enabled.
  • User can either use VS-Code (remote) or vim/nano/etc. editors for making changes.
  • Install dependencies, run following command: (Ubuntu)
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential cppcheck tree ninja-build libpixman-1-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg8-dev libgif-dev libglib2.0-dev libgcrypt20-dev python3-venv -y
    These are necessary to fetch tools like make, native gcc, linting tools and other libraries needed by other tools such as qemu.
  • You are required to know how to use git.
  • [Optional but Recommended] Add ssh key to github, click here for guide. This will let user access github without username and password. However, please do setup git cli/gui and configure your system account on your workstation.
  • Run the following command to download/clone Cyancore
    git clone [email protected]:VisorFolks/cyancore.git
  • After cloning, run the following command:
    make get_avr_tc    # This will clone AVR toolchain from git repository
  • We use vim for developement. But VSCode support is also added in the repo.

    Disclaimer: VS-Code is open and we are not promoting it.

Build a project

  • Run make list to get the list of all projects
  • Choose the project you wish to build and run it as follows make <project_name>
    $ make list
    Available projects are :
    demo_avr demo_avr_cpp demo_riscv
    $ make demo_avr    # This will build the project "demo_avr"
    Building Project demo_avr
    Platform          : atmega328p
    Architecture      : avr8-5
    Cyancore Version  : 0x01000302
    Cyancore Codename : Beryllium
    Lib: Compiling printf.c ...
    Lib: Compiling exit.c ...
    Elf: Preprocessing driver.ld ...
    Elf: Generating demo_avr.elf ...
    Size of demo_avr.elf
     S.No.       Section               VMA              Size        Load
      1)                .text	0x00000000	     13748 B	  *
      2)                 .bss	0x00800100	       101 B	   
      3)                .data	0x00800165	       695 B	  *
      4)                .heap	0x0080041c	       256 B	   
      5)               .stack	0x0080051c	       256 B	   
    Total Size of bin file = 14443 Bytes
     Flash Usage : [=================                       ]  44%, 14443 / 32768 B
       RAM Usage : [=========================               ]  63%, 1308 / 2048 B
    < / > Done !
  • Binaries will be generated at out/<project_name>/
    # For example: build directory structure of demo_avr
    $ tree out/ -L 2
    └── demo_avr             # Project build directory
        ├── demo_avr.bin
        ├── demo_avr.elf
        ├── demo_avr.hex
        ├── demo_avr.lst
        └── src              # Objects and libraries are present here

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