A Simple GPT Web Client https://gpt.aaanh.app
Just a web interface for sending HTTP requests to the paid GPT API.
It uses the openai
npm package.
Web application is bootstrapped using create-t3-app.
⚠️ Attention! You must have access to an OpenAI API account and an UpStash account and a Vercel account.
Install dependencies
npm install
Add your OpenAI API key in
(Optional) Add your upstash Redis tokens for rate limiting
npm run dev
This repository can be forked as-is and deployed to Vercel.
Remember to add your API key to the Vercel project environment variables.
All types of contributions, e.g. suggestion, MR/PR, bug report, etc., are warmly welcomed.
Please refer to the CONTRIBUTE.md document and the Code of Conduct for more detailed guidelines.
logo and the pseudonym aaanh is my trademark and subject to copyright laws.