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Unit testing code using LazyCache

Alastair Crabtree edited this page Mar 4, 2018 · 3 revisions

To make testing easier and to follow SOLID principles your code should not depend on an instance of CachingService. Instead you should depend upon the interface IAppCache and use a dependency injection container to pass you an instance of CachingService at runtime.

If you want to unit test IAppCache you have three options

  • Use a real in memory cache - use new LazyCache.CachingService()
  • Use the built in mock - use new MockCachingService() (source code)
  • Use a mocking library like Moq - use new Mock<IAppCache>()

Example unit test

Say you want to test an API controller that does some caching:

public class DbTimeController : Controller
    private readonly IAppCache cache;
    private readonly DbTimeContext dbContext;

    public DbTimeController(DbTimeContext context, IAppCache cache)
        dbContext = context;
        this.cache = cache;

    public DbTimeEntity Get()
        var cachedDatabaseTime =
              cache.GetOrAdd("DbTimeController.Get", () => dbContext.GeDbTime());
        return cachedDatabaseTime;

Then you could test it like this (using NUnit as an example)

public void Get_ShouldFetchTheTimeFromTheDatabase_WhenNotInTheCache()
    DbTimeEntity fakeEntity = new DbTimeEntity("2000-01-01");
    var fakeDatabaseContext = GetMyInMemoryDatabaseFake(fakeEntity);
    DbTimeController controllerUnderTest = 
        new DbTimeController(fakeDatabaseContext, new MockCachingService());

    DbTimeEntity actual = controllerUnderTest.Get();

    Assert.AreEqual("2000-01-01", actual.ToString())