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Alastair Crabtree edited this page Mar 29, 2019 · 9 revisions

LazyCache 2 now depends on NetStandard 2.0 so you will need to migrate the rest of your app to that/netcore2 first.

  1. Upgrade app to netstandard2.0 or netcore2 or above

  2. Remove System.Runtime.Caching package/dependecy (We have moved to Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory)

  3. Remove references to IAppCache.ObjectCache as Lazycache has changed to a cache provider model. To access the provider use IAppCache.CacheProvider instead. If you are iterating over the keys in IObjectCache (say to remove a range of them) then you will no longer be able to do this. See Issue #66 for more information on addressing this.

  4. If using aspnet core or Microsoft.Extensions.DependecyInjection add package LazyCache.AspNetCore for easy dependency injection registration and add ServiceCollection.AddLazyCache() to your startup.cs;

  5. If not using Microsoft.Extensions.DependecyInjection then add package LazyCache 2.x or above.

  6. If using a different default cache period use the following to change the seconds in the cache, as it is no longer in the constructor

    IAppCache cache = new CachingService(CachingService.DefaultCacheProvider);
    cache.DefaultCachePolicy.DefaultCacheDurationSeconds = 60 * 3; //3mins
  7. Fix compiler warnings - note we have changed from CacheItemPolicy to MemoryCacheEntryOptions. RemovedCallback is now PostEvictionCallbacks.

  8. Try and run your app, and lean on the compiler to help fix any breaking change

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