Source code: src/software_eng_project
JUnit test cases: src/test_cases
- Action Cards deck: notes/ActionCards.txt
- Board spaces: notes/board.txt
- Careers Cards deck: notes/CareersCards.txt
- College Careers Cards deck: notes/CollegeCareerCards.txt
- House Cards deck: notes/houseCards.txt
- Use Case Diagrams: diagrams/use_case
- Sequence Diagrams: diagrams/sequence
- Class Diagrams: diagrams/class
Game Instruction Manual: notes/Game Instruction Manual.pdf
- Brief instruction manual for play.
Class descriptions: notes/ClassDescriptions.xlsx
- Spreadsheet detailing distribution of work.
- Also includes class descriptions with details of methods implemented.
JUnit test details: notes/JUnitTestDetails.xlsx
- Spreadsheet detailing methods tested with details of the test.
To start the game, run "main" and interact with the console window.