Robot which detects and chases a white-coloured ball using camera and lidar sensors.
The repository contains two packages as follows.
This package holds a robot, a white ball, and the surrounding world. The robot is a differential drive robot designed with URDF (Unified Robot Description Format). A Gazebo plugin controls the robot’s differential drive as well as the camera and lidar sensors which are used to detect the white ball.
This package contains two nodes responsible for detecting the ball and driving towards it. The process_image node analyses the robot's camera image to detect the presence and location of the white ball. If a ball exists, the node requests a service via the client to drive the robot towards it. The drive_bot node provides a service to drive the robot by controlling its linear and angular velocities.
Prerequisites/Dependencies: Gazebo and ROS.
With the prerequisites met, source global ros:
$ source /opt/ros/<your_ros_version>/setup.bash
Create a catkin workspace:
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws
Clone the driver:
$ git clone src/gazebo_world
Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt update -qq
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y
Build the workspace:
$ catkin_make
Activate the workspace:
$ source devel/setup.bash
Launch the world file in Gazebo:
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch
Open a new terminal and launch the nodes to detect and chase the white ball:
$ cd catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch ball_chaser ball_chaser.launch
.Project # Chase Ball Project
├── my_robot # my_robot package
│ ├── launch # launch folder for launch files
│ │ ├── robot_description.launch
│ │ ├── world.launch
│ ├── meshes # meshes folder for sensors
│ │ ├── hokuyo.dae
│ ├── urdf # urdf folder for xarco files
│ │ ├── my_robot.gazebo
│ │ ├── my_robot.xacro
│ ├── worlds # world folder for world files
│ │ ├──
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt # compiler instructions
│ ├── package.xml # package info
├── ball_chaser # ball_chaser package
│ ├── launch # launch folder for launch files
│ │ ├── ball_chaser.launch
│ ├── src # source folder for C++ scripts
│ │ ├── drive_bot.cpp
│ │ ├── process_images.cpp
│ ├── srv # service folder for ROS services
│ │ ├── DriveToTarget.srv
│ ├── CMakeLists.txt # compiler instructions
│ ├── package.xml # package info