This project creates a 2D occupancy grid and 3D octomap from a simulated environment using the ROS RTAB-Map package. RTAB-Map (Real-Time Appearance-Based Mapping) is a popular solution for SLAM to develop robots that can map environments in 3D.
The ROS RTAB-Map package is a ROS wrapper (API) for interacting with RTAB-Map. The robot configuration in this project includes a 2D laser, odometry sensors, and a 3D Kinect camera. The ROS teleop package is also included which allows the user to navigate the robot in the environment and perform RTAB-Mapping. Localization using RTAB-Map is also performed.
Comparison between the Gazebo world simulation (top) and the generated 3D map (bottom):
Direct comparison between the simulation and generated map:
Prerequisites/Dependencies: Gazebo and ROS.
With the prerequisites met, source global ros:
$ source /opt/ros/<your_ros_version>/setup.bash
Create a catkin workspace:
$ mkdir -p catkin_ws/src && cd catkin_ws
Clone the driver:
$ git clone src/mapping
Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt update -qq
$ rosdep update
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -y
Build the workspace:
$ catkin_make
Activate the workspace:
$ source devel/setup.bash
Launch the Gazebo world and RViz, spawn the robot in the environment:
$ roslaunch my_robot world.launch
Open a new terminal and launch the teleop node:
$ cd catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
Open another terminal and launch the mapping node:
$ cd catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ roslaunch my_robot mapping.launch
The rtabmap-databaseViewer tool can be used to explore the database after it has been generated. It is isolated from ROS and allows for complete analysis of the mapping session. Open a new terminal and run the following:
$ rtabmap-databaseViewer ~/.ros/rtabmap.db
Click "yes" when prompted about using the database parameters, and add different views (e.g. Constraints View, Graph View) to get a better view of the relevant information.