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Manual tweaks for 9.1

Sandy edited this page Jul 10, 2021 · 1 revision

As this is a new format for the template, we have run into some one time tweaks that are required, the easiest way to avoid doing them is to make a new copy of the template. If you are unable to do that, here are some manual steps to get your old template (hopefully) working

Fixing the Headers

Scroll over to the progression section of your main sheet and Click these arrows to unhide columns unhide

In the newly visible columns, delete the words: PLACE HOLDER (do not delete the raid difficulty headers)


We want Cell BS5 to be Sanctum of Domination Lockouts, if it isn't, click on Castle Nathria Lockouts, hit DELETE and then undo (ctrl+z or Edit > Undo)


If you don't care about the old raid, you can rehide it by selecting the columns, right clicking, and hiding them


New Rep Headers

If the two new reps are not showing up in your headers yet, you can click on The Ascended in cell CK5, DELETE and then undo (ctrl+z or Edit > Undo)


The new rep headers can be colored to your choosing via formatting


Conditional formatting will also need to be extended to these new rep columns, you can right click on a properly formatted rep cell and select Conditional formatting, and then change alllll the formulas to go to column CX. Because of the 'tier' rep system, new conditionals will be required for The Archivists' Codex

Getting Archivists' Codex rep on the sheet:


In cell A7, change the formula to:

=sort(arrayformula('Raw Data'!D7:DD),6,true, vlookup(I1, 'Drop downs'!C2:D9,2,false),vlookup(I1, 'Drop downs'!C2:E9,3,false))

Unhiding and hiding

We'll need to hide and unhide multiple things through out this process, here are the general steps:

View > Hidden Sheets > (Sheet we need)



When you're done editing that sheet you can rehide it by right clicking the tab and selecting Hide Sheet


Drop Downs sheet


Unhide the the Drop Downs sheet and change the formula in cell C18 to be:

=appCall("WowWcl.getRaidInfoForDropdown",'Master Sheet'!A1)

You can rehide Drop Downs when you are done

Raw Data

Unhide the Raw Data sheet for the following changes

cell cn7

Change the formula in Cell CN7 (reputations) to be:


cell bp7

Change the formula in cell BP7 (start of progression section, mythic dungeon lockouts) to:

=arrayformula(if(Progression!E3:Z155=" ","",Progression!E3:Z155))

you can rehide Raw Data when you are done